All News Web - With all the talk about Nibiru, 2012 and UFO disclosure it is amazing that many doing the talking have never heard of the Mandaeans, truly amazing. It is like knowing all about Jesus and never having heard of the Jews. In fact, it is amazing that Jews,Muslims and Christians have hardly heard of these people considering they, in all likelihood, are the possessors of the religion and heritage that gave birth to all of the three monotheistic religions and they are still around to tell their story; even if no one wants to hear it. So unknown is this grouping that even spell-check on Microsoft Word doesn’t recognise their name None of this should however diminish their incredible importance.
So who are the Mandaeans? Firstly there are about fifty thousand of them left in the world. Most of them lived in Iraq as a cohesive group for over four thousand years until America decided to go in to that country and help create the chaos that now engulfs the place. Ironically, Saddam Hussein was a great friend of theirs and protected them. Bizarrely, Saddam understood their immense importance while the west clearly didn’t.
In the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq and since Saddam Hussein was no longer around to protect them from the various Islamic fundamentalist groups who might regard them as infidels they would be safer outside their ancestral land, the land they have lived in for least four thousand years. The vast majority left for Syria and Jordan, allegedly for this reason. All of those that were able to moved much further away. In what must have been one of history's crassest shows of lack of humanity and ignorance ,those who made the initial mistake of heading to Australia were branded as serious terror threats and then locked up for years in barbaric detention centres together with the Muslims that were said to regard them as infidels. Some Mandaeans attempted suicide in this horrific situation, many were psychologically scarred for life.
Strange as the Mandaeans are vegetarians and pacifists par excellence. There exists no record of any Mandaean committing the crime of murder for two thousand years! Perhaps that was Australia’s way of thanking the group for the entire range of Judeo-Christian beliefs that supposedly underpin our society.
Moving on to the history and beliefs of the Mandaeans: Much confusion and ignorance exists regarding the Mandaeans and their history.
The orientalist E.S Drower inaccurately listed their beliefs as the following:
1. A supreme formless Entity,the expression of which in time and space is creation of spiritual,etheric,and material worlds and beings.
2. Dualism: a cosmic Father and Mother, Light and Darkness,Right and Left, syzygy in cosmic and microcosmic form.
3. As a feature of this dualism, counter-types,a world of ideas.
4. soul is portrayed as an exile,a captive: her home and origin being the supreme Entity to which she eventually returns.
5. Planets and stars influence fate and human beings,and are also places of detention after death.
6. A saviour spirit or saviour spirits which assist the soul on her journey through life and after it to worlds of light.
7. A cult-language of symbol and metaphor. Ideas and qualities are personified.
8. Mysteries,i.e. sacraments to aid and purify the soul, to ensure her rebirth into a spiritual body, and her ascent from the world of matter.
9. Great secrecy is enjoined upon initiates; full explanation of 1, 2, and 8 being reserved for those considered able to understand and preserve the gnosis.
According to Wikipedia: Mandaeans believe in marriage and procreation as well as the importance of leading an ethical and moral lifestyle in this world, placing a high priority upon family life.
Consequently, Mandaeans do not practice celibacy or asceticism. Mandaeans will, however, abstain from strong drink and red meat. They look forward to a future liberated from the influence of the Torah,which they regard as evil in origin.
The key holy book of the Mandaeans is known as the Ginza Rabba.
The above-mentioned beliefs by no means represent the inner core of their belief system and a mere glimpse into the Mandaean holy books will well confirm this. Mandaeans fully understood the boundaries of tolerance of the great religions and would only reveal to outsiders a version of their faith that would ensure the safety and survival of the group.
For hundreds of years the Mandaeans have pretended to be Christians of St John in order to avoid persecution by both Christian and Islamic rulers as a pre-Biblical and pre-Koranic religion. This name refers to the fact that the group does in fact regard St John as a prophet,the only post-Abrahamic Judeo-Christian figure they do revere, seemingly due to his respect for and use of water and baptism as means of achieving purity (Immersing oneself in running water is a key Mandaean religious activity). Jesus however is in fact regarded as a false messiah and even a demon. In fact as mentioned above, the Mandaeans regard all Biblical characters starting with Abraham and beyond as rather evil. They do however revere Adam, Shem, Noah and even Abraham’s father, the Idol maker Terach, as holy men.
Abraham is particularly disliked for instituting the practice of circumcision, regarded by Mandaeans as a barbaric desecration of the human body.
Agenda driven Christian scholars have always claimed the group are a Gnostic offshoot of Second Temple era Judaism, so as not to shake or challenge the foundations of Christianity. This explanation doesn’t wash for many reasons and is clearly false.
Firstly, it is unlikely that a religion based on Judaism would reject all biblical prophets from Abraham and beyond or have as one of its central tenets the belief that the Torah derives from an evil source and when the messianic era arrives the world will be washed of it's infuence. The language the Mandaeans speak has been confirmed as being one of purest linguistic descendants of the ancient Chaldean-Babylonian tongue. The obvious importance of water and the requirement to live near running water that springs from the ground are an indication of the Mandaeans true Sumerian lineage. Are these people no less than the descendants of the very priests of the most ancient of all faiths?
The Mandaeans themselves guard their lineage fanatically: in order to be part of the group all ancestors must be Mandaeans,and no exceptions are allowed. The community accepts no converts and a Mandaean must marry another Mandaean with all four grandparents and all eight great-grandparents being Mandaeans and so forth. This has obviously hampered the growth of the group in terms of numbers.
In the past the Mandaeans chose survival and were happy for outsiders to be ignorant of their proud heritage. Now however Mandaeans are more likely to proudly tell the world who they really are: the direct descendants in terms of culture, religion and genetics of the ancient Babylonians and the Sumerians before them!
The main Mandaean says no less.
So what do the Mandaeans really believe in more specifically and how is this relevant to UFO’s and Nibiru?
Consider this well known Mandaean legend of the Ginza Rabba:
Once the melki and the 'uthri, twelve thousand of them, wished to see Melek Ziwa (the Light King), the great god of all, for each had a question to ask about the created world, such as 'Why are the trees green ?' 'Why does this happen, and why that?' and so on. Each one of them had a question. They mounted vehicles like ships that moved by electrum and they rose from Awathur until they reached the highest heaven. When they had attained the highest heaven, a blinding light fell upon them, and they could not gaze, but fell on their faces. Only Hiwel Ziwa, who was with them, remained upright.
The Mandaeans still maintain most of the classical Babylonian beliefs such as those regarding Enuma Elish and the significance of the planet Nibiru. The Mandaeans worship a multitude of Gods corresponding to ancient Babylonian ideas of divinity. Such Gods include the well known Marduk,Anu, Enlil and Enki as well as the less known mother goddess Ru Ha(associated by the Mandaeans with the biblical God Jehovah). Here we have a cosmogony derived from the ancient Sumerians, and we may regard the Mandaeans as the modern representatives of the faith of Abzu and Eridu.
The beliefs of the Mandaeans are clearly not based on Judaism but rather the other way around. They mirror those of the ancient Babylonians and form the basis of much of the legends found in the book of Genesis: the creation story, Adam and Eve, Noah's ark and the tower of Babel all spring from the Mandaean faith. While the concept of the divine might differ, the basic ideas of this ancient faith clearly influenced Abraham and the development of early Judaism. The ethical aspect of the religion differs little from the morality of the Ten Commandments. Much of the Jewish Kabbalah is remarkably similar to Mandaean mysticism.
Not surprisingly astrology plays a very big part of the faith and culture. By all accounts the Mandaeans have inherited the Sumerian traditions in this respect: the movements of stars and planets are regarded as having a major influence on our lives. Little is known of the Mandaean attitudes towards 2012, however of massive interest is the fact that the entire community recently uprooted and left its homeland of four thousand years. This despite assurances by the current Iraqi government that the group will be protected from enemies.
This seems strange as the group has religiously remained the area they regard as the earth's navel, once known as Mesopotamia, for 4000 years and the region has seen more than its fair share of strife and war over the millennia. The current conflict would hardly stand out in this respect. All that were able have gone to either far-flung Canada or Australia. Why have these rather isolated areas been chosen? Do the TRUE inheritors of Sumerian astrology know something about a coming Middle Eastern catastrophe?
The Mandaeans also believe in Great Spirit Men that came from the stars to teach their ancient Sumerian ancestors the arts of civilization. These are of course the Annunaki. Ancient Sumerian engravings depict Annunaki arriving on earth in UFO like craft. It is believed that the Mandaeans today are waiting for the Annunaki's imminent return. These inheritors of the most ancient of astrological knowledge might well have 2012 marked as the year their ancient allies return from the stars and reward them for millennia of holding the torch of faith and knowledge; longer than any other group on earth.
So do the Mandaeans possess secret knowledge of the UFO phenomena and of a coming open alien presence on earth? Are they preparing for a cataclysmic catastrophe in the year 2012? Perhaps we should ask them really nicely,and very soon: for all our sakes.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
NASA Astronaut Recounts Encounter With Disc UFO
LA News Monitor - In a shocking story, a former astronaut of NASA has said that he and NASA have known that ETs are actually real. The astronaut was a space shuttle fleet. Clark C. McClelland, had been a senior member of MUFON from 1958 to 1992. McClelland has said to a Canadian press that an amazing incident have occurred during the STS-80 mission aboard on the space shuttle Columbia. The top space officials have rushed to keep it down.
McClelland said that the object appeared from "nowhere." According to internal NASA reports, Dr. Story Musgrave have confirmed the incident. He was a Payload Specialist crew member aboard on the STS-80 mission. He said that the disc-shaped object was much larger than the orbiting American spacecraft and it suddenly appeared underneath the shuttle. At that time Columbia was steady at an altitude of 190 nautical miles above Earth.
Musgrave have admitted that even though he had a good look of the object, he was not able to identify the thing. He said, "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particles, I don't know. But it's characteristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to [have] come from nowhere. You would think that if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It's really impressive."
Once the shuttle returned Earth, Musgrave was debriefed about the ET encounter. According to the report, the scientists have evaluated the video recording about the Columbia and the UFO encounter that the orbiter flew above Denver, Colorado. The object was disc-shaped and appeared suddenly, looked as if it was controlled intelligently, changed the flight vector and most frightening thing was that it seemed to track Columbia and her crew throughout space.
After the mission was over, the space scientist had retired from NASA. Convinced that the alien intelligence not only in present, but is very much present. NASA astronauts have gone on board on a mission of disclosure by himself.
Dr. Musgrave is the only person in his statement. The UFOs and RTs are a reality. In past years, even other NASA personnel have tried to speak of ET life. Space faring luminaries like Gordon Cooper, Donald Slayton, Gene Cernan, Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong and Scott Carpenter have been persistent that the UFOs are real and alien intelligences are there for real.
On a recent speaking tour, he gave a presentation about astronomy and a picture of the infamous "Grey" aliens, he also proclaimed, "These guys are real...I guarantee it!"
McClelland said that the object appeared from "nowhere." According to internal NASA reports, Dr. Story Musgrave have confirmed the incident. He was a Payload Specialist crew member aboard on the STS-80 mission. He said that the disc-shaped object was much larger than the orbiting American spacecraft and it suddenly appeared underneath the shuttle. At that time Columbia was steady at an altitude of 190 nautical miles above Earth.
Musgrave have admitted that even though he had a good look of the object, he was not able to identify the thing. He said, "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particles, I don't know. But it's characteristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to [have] come from nowhere. You would think that if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It's really impressive."
Once the shuttle returned Earth, Musgrave was debriefed about the ET encounter. According to the report, the scientists have evaluated the video recording about the Columbia and the UFO encounter that the orbiter flew above Denver, Colorado. The object was disc-shaped and appeared suddenly, looked as if it was controlled intelligently, changed the flight vector and most frightening thing was that it seemed to track Columbia and her crew throughout space.
After the mission was over, the space scientist had retired from NASA. Convinced that the alien intelligence not only in present, but is very much present. NASA astronauts have gone on board on a mission of disclosure by himself.
Dr. Musgrave is the only person in his statement. The UFOs and RTs are a reality. In past years, even other NASA personnel have tried to speak of ET life. Space faring luminaries like Gordon Cooper, Donald Slayton, Gene Cernan, Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong and Scott Carpenter have been persistent that the UFOs are real and alien intelligences are there for real.
On a recent speaking tour, he gave a presentation about astronomy and a picture of the infamous "Grey" aliens, he also proclaimed, "These guys are real...I guarantee it!"
Alien Filmed Live on TV in UFO Hot Spot
UFO researchers have been taken by surprise by recent UFO/alien event that took place in South America.
What might well be an alien was filmed by a camera crew doing a news item and broadcast live on TV (see video below). The event took place in Santa Cruz, Argentina and the image of the alien was broadcast on that nation's channel two. The alien is seen stalking towards the person who is being interviewed. The filming and broadcast took place on August 8 of this year.
Allegedly the camera crew that inadvertently filmed the alien as well as viewers who happened to record the program testify that this was indeed the live film that streamed on TV and has not in any been tampered with. The cameraman who specifically captured the being was Mr. Sergio Vera. The Journalist who did the interview was Mr. Mauricio Barrios.
The region around Santa Cruz is a major UFO hot spot and this publication has reported many times on events in this area. Amazingly, last year staff at a local restaurant also saw and photographed what they thought was an alien watching them from a distance. These events suggest that a UFO base might exist somewhere in the area.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Haunted Painting
In February, 2000, the haunted painting was put up for sale on eBay and an auction begun. Today, many wonder if it was a true story, or a marketing ploy. Item 251789217 was it’s name on eBay, but it quickly became known on the Internet as “The Haunted eBay Painting.”
The item description in itself was bizarre:
Shortly thereafter, in response to questions about the piece, the sellers posted the following addition:
After this description, there were eight shots of the item. Two were overview shots. Slightly left of center on the canvas, we see a boy of perhaps five or six, with sloping shoulders and a heavy brow, scowling at us. He is dressed as we would expect any early- or mid-twentieth century middle- or lower-class young boy to be dressed: a blue tee-shirt, greenish shorts, short socks and shoes. His dirty-blonde (or dirty blonde) hair is cropped into a very short crew-cut on his blocky head. His expression – his small, deep-set eyes, and his slightly downturned frown – are the look of an alien: disdainful curiosity. “You are not supposed to be here.”
To his right, propped against a window moulding (or perhaps free-standing, it’s difficult to tell), is a life-sized wooden doll girl. She’s wearing a faded blue dress. She only has empty holes for eyes, but her mouth is articulatable (and closed). In her hands she’s clutching what at first looks like some sort of tall bottle or canister tied with a string, but on closer inspection appears to be a tall battery (complete with little lightning bolt) with mad, dangling clips.
The two are standing on a street curb, in front of a full-length window. The building behind them is completely dark inside, but reaching forth from the darkness we can distinguish at least a dozen tiny hands. Some of the hands are lower, some higher, but none are higher than the two central figures; if these are, indeed, children’s hands, some of the children are on the floor. It is not clear whether the hands are reaching for the window pane, the light, or the boy and the doll.
Four more shots were details of the boy, the boy’s face, the doll’s face, and the doll’s battery (or whatever it is). But the last two shots were the ones that were supposedly made by the motion-activated still camera. They are clearly different from the daytime shots. Because the flash was centered on the boy (being the central figure on the canvas), and because it’s a rather large painting, the doll (who was, as I said, towards the left edge of the painting) is obscured by shadow, but the photographs clearly show that now, her mouth is open.
After the auction began, viewers started to report strange happenings whenever they tried to view the page. All of them – spectral voices, hot flashes, black-outs and “mind-control experiences” – are typical of mass hysteria. One man, a Native American spiritualist in Mississippi, claimed that the painting had evil in it, and after having viewed it on his web browser he had to cleanse his house by burning white sage.
More than thirteen thousand people bid on the work. The buyer, who remains anonymous (his E-Bay login was ionia7) but bought the work for $1025 US, claims that although the story of the arguing spirits is compelling as a curiosity, he was more interested in the composition of the work and was “buying to sell.” He says that it seems to have been produced some time between 1965 and 1975, and is entitled “The Hands Resist Him.” It is signed, but the current owner has not released the artist’s name. He has never experienced any unusual effects, and calls the work “a good example of surrealism from that period.
I think it’s pretty clear that everything which happened to people who viewed the painting through the web was the result of the power of suggestion. On the other hand, I remain skeptical but agnostic as to whether the painting itself is animate. If it were a hoax, the trickster employed the most cunningly inconsistent assertions, destroying the reader’s ability to restore any suspended disbelief. Even if it isn’t legit, there would have to be something seriously wrong with someone to have painted the thing in the first place. I mean, they would have to be fucked in the head quite badly. If you saw the work, you’d understand. It’s just spooky. It is not at all surprising that it provokes such extreme reactions.
The new owner of the painting claims he found an inscription on the back saying the title of the picture was “The Hands Resist Him”. He also found a signiature, but refuses to say who the painter was. He says he received thousands of e-mails from people claiming they were “repulsed”, made “physically ill” and “suffered from blackout/mind control experiences” just by viewing the pictures of the painting online.
An exorcist type of voice, along with a blast of hot air, like standing in front of an oven door. Two friends crying after this experience and praying until a minute had passed and everything went back to normal.
A new Epson printer that ate and mutilated page after page when the user tried to download images of this oil.
The Native American who became so ill he had to cleanse his house by burning white sage. He warned me not to put this item around small children, and that there is great evil contained here.
As I recall, both the owner of the gallery where ‘The Hands Resist Him’ was displayed and the art critic who reviewed it were dead within a year of the show.
Seller: MrNoReserve. Winner: Ionia7. Price: $1,025.00
Retired Turkish General Claims Close Encounter with UFOs
The Hurriyet - Greek jets are not the only aerial adversaries Turkish planes have engaged in the skies, according to a retired general who has claimed he encountered unidentified flying objects over western Turkey while serving as a pilot.
Calling up a live television show Saturday during a heated debate about UFOs, Retired Gen. Erdoğan Karakuş said he and seven other pilots experienced a UFO encounter over the western province of Balıkesir in May 1983.
The UFOs were levitating using an unknown technique, KarakuÅŸ said, explaining that he was part of a group of eight pilots flying four Turkish jets to the southern city of Adana for a drill when one of the men spotted something in the air.
“[He] said, ‘I saw some objects, what I should do?’ and I said, ‘It may be a plane signaling for help; I am connecting to the Balıkesir frequency,’” the retired general said. “The flight-control tower in Balıkesir said it did not have any flights [listed]. I thought it might have been a civilian plane.”
The objects accompanied the pilots for 15 minutes as they passed from Balıkesir to the Aegean city of Denizli, Karakuş said, adding that he warned another pilot who wanted to fly toward them not to do so after deciding the objects did not look like planes.
“One of my friends meanwhile turned his [plane’s] lights off. This time [the UFOs] got close to the third plane. They moved on to the second one when the third one also turned its lights off,” KarakuÅŸ said, adding that when he looked to his left at that moment, he could not see anything other than a yellow beam of light.
“They moved to my left side when I also turned my [plane’s] lights off, the retired general said, adding that shortly afterwards, four to five lights resembling plane lights appeared. “Then they disappeared with a sudden [maneuver].”
KarakuÅŸ said the control towers at airports in Ankara, Istanbul and Konya also detected the UFOs that night. “We reported [the incident] and it was probably sent to NASA.”
The UFOs were levitating using an unknown technique, KarakuÅŸ said, explaining that he was part of a group of eight pilots flying four Turkish jets to the southern city of Adana for a drill when one of the men spotted something in the air.
“[He] said, ‘I saw some objects, what I should do?’ and I said, ‘It may be a plane signaling for help; I am connecting to the Balıkesir frequency,’” the retired general said. “The flight-control tower in Balıkesir said it did not have any flights [listed]. I thought it might have been a civilian plane.”
The objects accompanied the pilots for 15 minutes as they passed from Balıkesir to the Aegean city of Denizli, Karakuş said, adding that he warned another pilot who wanted to fly toward them not to do so after deciding the objects did not look like planes.
“One of my friends meanwhile turned his [plane’s] lights off. This time [the UFOs] got close to the third plane. They moved on to the second one when the third one also turned its lights off,” KarakuÅŸ said, adding that when he looked to his left at that moment, he could not see anything other than a yellow beam of light.
“They moved to my left side when I also turned my [plane’s] lights off, the retired general said, adding that shortly afterwards, four to five lights resembling plane lights appeared. “Then they disappeared with a sudden [maneuver].”
KarakuÅŸ said the control towers at airports in Ankara, Istanbul and Konya also detected the UFOs that night. “We reported [the incident] and it was probably sent to NASA.”
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Marine's Encounter With Black Eyed Kids - You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are trained in combat, survival and to face the threat of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps they're not quite prepared when it comes to encounters with the unknown. Consider this report from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed people. To make it even more harrowing, these black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids. This is the Marine's story....
I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of River Road. I recently had a rather strange encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids.
I live on the third floor of the barracks that have open walkways on the outside and the rooms on the inside. This happened on a weekend back in November, 2009. It was a weekend, so almost every Marine was out, either home, drinking or sleeping; only a handful were left in the barracks awake. I'd stayed in that weekend because I was broke and had no money to go out.
I was watching a movie when I heard a knock at my door. Figuring it was my roommate who'd lost his key again, I went and opened it. Instead of a drunken roommate, I found two little kids standing on the walkway - only these kids freaked the hell out of me. I don't know what it was about them, but as a Marine we're always told to listen to that little voice in your head, because it just might save your life from an IED (improvised explosive device). Right then that voice was screaming at me to shut the door and lock it.
There was also the fact that these kids had absolutely pitch-black eyes. I mean no white or any other color to them whatsoever - just black. But I pushed those things aside and asked them what they were doing there so late. They responded by saying that it was really cold out and they wanted to come in and read. I was confused as hell, because I've never met a kid that wants to read. Also, there was no mention of any parents or anything else you'd expect a lost couple of kids to say.
I couldn't take my eyes of their pitch-black eyes; it was like they were sucking me in. I felt horrible and was suddenly frightened for my life, like I needed to immediately take cover. They just stared at me, with those goddam eyes.
I took a quick look up and down the walkway to see if any other Marines were out, but there was nobody in site. I turned back to the kids who I noticed had taken a step forward toward me. I got the feeling like I was being hunted, like these kids where predators and out for their next meal or something. Instinct gave way to reason and I decided to listen to that voice and shut the door and locked it.
I heard soft constant knocking for the next five minutes before I heard my window rattle and then nothing. I went down to the officer on duty the next morning and asked him about it and he said he hadn't heard of or seen any kids in the area at all, and dismissed it saying that I'd probably had too much to drink last night. Only I hadn't been drinking at all or anything like that that night. I don't know what or who those kids were, but I doubt any of the families here would let their kids wander around at night on a military base.
I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of River Road. I recently had a rather strange encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids.
I live on the third floor of the barracks that have open walkways on the outside and the rooms on the inside. This happened on a weekend back in November, 2009. It was a weekend, so almost every Marine was out, either home, drinking or sleeping; only a handful were left in the barracks awake. I'd stayed in that weekend because I was broke and had no money to go out.
I was watching a movie when I heard a knock at my door. Figuring it was my roommate who'd lost his key again, I went and opened it. Instead of a drunken roommate, I found two little kids standing on the walkway - only these kids freaked the hell out of me. I don't know what it was about them, but as a Marine we're always told to listen to that little voice in your head, because it just might save your life from an IED (improvised explosive device). Right then that voice was screaming at me to shut the door and lock it.
There was also the fact that these kids had absolutely pitch-black eyes. I mean no white or any other color to them whatsoever - just black. But I pushed those things aside and asked them what they were doing there so late. They responded by saying that it was really cold out and they wanted to come in and read. I was confused as hell, because I've never met a kid that wants to read. Also, there was no mention of any parents or anything else you'd expect a lost couple of kids to say.
I couldn't take my eyes of their pitch-black eyes; it was like they were sucking me in. I felt horrible and was suddenly frightened for my life, like I needed to immediately take cover. They just stared at me, with those goddam eyes.
I took a quick look up and down the walkway to see if any other Marines were out, but there was nobody in site. I turned back to the kids who I noticed had taken a step forward toward me. I got the feeling like I was being hunted, like these kids where predators and out for their next meal or something. Instinct gave way to reason and I decided to listen to that voice and shut the door and locked it.
I heard soft constant knocking for the next five minutes before I heard my window rattle and then nothing. I went down to the officer on duty the next morning and asked him about it and he said he hadn't heard of or seen any kids in the area at all, and dismissed it saying that I'd probably had too much to drink last night. Only I hadn't been drinking at all or anything like that that night. I don't know what or who those kids were, but I doubt any of the families here would let their kids wander around at night on a military base.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Paranormal Activities?: Stovepipe Legend Alive in Rices Landing - On cold, rainy nights after midnight, especially near Halloween, one can drive into the town of Rices Landing and hear shouts of "Stovepipe, Stovepipe, Stovepipe." Legend has it that yelling this at just the right place will bring out an apparition.
The legend of Stovepipe has reportedly been around since the 1800s but it varies in the telling depending on whom one speaks to in the town.
One version takes place at the train tunnel in Rices Landing that is the entrance to Pumpkin Run Park. This version circulates the Internet on a variety of paranormal investigation sites.
It was a dark and rainy night in the 1800s when a young lad was driving a horse and buggy over the railroad tracks at Pumpkin Run. He was believed to be taking a shortcut, perhaps one that he often took, to reach his home.
Quite suddenly a train came barreling in his direction. The young man's horse could not move the buggy over the tracks as quickly as the horsepower of the train.
In a macabre twist the buggy overturned, and the wheels of the train decapitated the boy, leaving his ghost to wander around looking for his head.
The tale concludes with the ghost placing a piece of stovepipe where his head once was and the belief of many was he would return when he heard someone call, "Stovepipe, Stovepipe, Stovepipe" after midnight on rainy nights.
The second version of the story begins on what is known as Horseshoe Bend, named for its perfectly horseshoe-shaped curves.
It was a dark and rainy night, again, and a young man was bringing his buggy around Horseshoe Bend when it suddenly overturned, throwing him out. One of the wheels of the buggy severed his head.
The townspeople who came upon the scene commented that his flattened neck resembled a stovepipe, giving the story a name. About a year later a passerby claimed to see a ghost on the bend fitted with a stovepipe where his head once was.
This version, too, concludes with the claim that shouting "stovepipe" on dark, rainy nights after midnight would make the ghost appear.
But at least three other versions of the story also have been told and two of them have a more sinister twist.
In the first, a man by the name of Stovepipe Kelly was on his way to visit his mistress in his horse-drawn buggy. The woman's husband knew of the affair and he lay in wait for Stovepipe on Horseshoe Bend. The jealous husband caused the buggy Stovepipe was driving to overturn, but it wasn't the buggy that lopped off Stovepipe's head.
"His head was cut off but it wasn't from a horse and buggy accident," said Mary Lewis, who heard this version from her parents and aunt growing up. "It was the woman's husband who cut it off."
An alternate version was told to Lewis' daughter, Judy Armstrong of Carmichaels, by her grandmother, who would be more than 100 if she were still alive today.
"Granny told us the story that it was a coal miner and it was at a time when they were trying to form the unions. A man named Stovepipe Kelly, because he always wore a stovepipe hat, made the mine owners angry and they were waiting for him on Horseshoe Bend to kill him," said the former Dry Tavern resident. "I remember we would go down there to Horseshoe Bend and scare the bejeezus out of other kids at night around Halloween by saying Stovepipe."
The final version came about when a car missed the curve on Horseshoe Bend and went over the hillside. The car sat for many years until it was a rusty pile of junk, but perfect to aid in the spinning of a tall tale.
This version can be found on YouTube by searching Horseshoe Bend, Rices Landing, Pa. Chip Guesman, a native of the town created several videos documenting stories about Rices Landing and the people who live there.
Guesman begins by telling the "true" version as he knows it.When he guides viewers around the bend he points to the spot where the car once sat.
"When we would come up the road in the school bus you could see it (the car). The kids my age always told the story of Stovepipe who wrecked his car and lost his head. It was a good story because of the old car that lay down in there," Guesman narrates.
Regardless of which version of the story one believes in, the result is still the same: If you venture into Rices Landing on a rainy night after dark and have the courage to pause near the Horseshoe Bend while bellowing, "Stovepipe, Stovepipe, Stovepipe," perhaps in the fashion of Ichabod Crane, an apparition missing his head may just appear.
There is just one more thing you should know. The final part of the legend is that Stovepipe returns because he is looking for his head, and yours may do just fine.
The legend of Stovepipe has reportedly been around since the 1800s but it varies in the telling depending on whom one speaks to in the town.
One version takes place at the train tunnel in Rices Landing that is the entrance to Pumpkin Run Park. This version circulates the Internet on a variety of paranormal investigation sites.
It was a dark and rainy night in the 1800s when a young lad was driving a horse and buggy over the railroad tracks at Pumpkin Run. He was believed to be taking a shortcut, perhaps one that he often took, to reach his home.
In a macabre twist the buggy overturned, and the wheels of the train decapitated the boy, leaving his ghost to wander around looking for his head.
The tale concludes with the ghost placing a piece of stovepipe where his head once was and the belief of many was he would return when he heard someone call, "Stovepipe, Stovepipe, Stovepipe" after midnight on rainy nights.
The second version of the story begins on what is known as Horseshoe Bend, named for its perfectly horseshoe-shaped curves.
It was a dark and rainy night, again, and a young man was bringing his buggy around Horseshoe Bend when it suddenly overturned, throwing him out. One of the wheels of the buggy severed his head.
The townspeople who came upon the scene commented that his flattened neck resembled a stovepipe, giving the story a name. About a year later a passerby claimed to see a ghost on the bend fitted with a stovepipe where his head once was.
This version, too, concludes with the claim that shouting "stovepipe" on dark, rainy nights after midnight would make the ghost appear.
But at least three other versions of the story also have been told and two of them have a more sinister twist.
In the first, a man by the name of Stovepipe Kelly was on his way to visit his mistress in his horse-drawn buggy. The woman's husband knew of the affair and he lay in wait for Stovepipe on Horseshoe Bend. The jealous husband caused the buggy Stovepipe was driving to overturn, but it wasn't the buggy that lopped off Stovepipe's head.
"His head was cut off but it wasn't from a horse and buggy accident," said Mary Lewis, who heard this version from her parents and aunt growing up. "It was the woman's husband who cut it off."
An alternate version was told to Lewis' daughter, Judy Armstrong of Carmichaels, by her grandmother, who would be more than 100 if she were still alive today.
"Granny told us the story that it was a coal miner and it was at a time when they were trying to form the unions. A man named Stovepipe Kelly, because he always wore a stovepipe hat, made the mine owners angry and they were waiting for him on Horseshoe Bend to kill him," said the former Dry Tavern resident. "I remember we would go down there to Horseshoe Bend and scare the bejeezus out of other kids at night around Halloween by saying Stovepipe."
The final version came about when a car missed the curve on Horseshoe Bend and went over the hillside. The car sat for many years until it was a rusty pile of junk, but perfect to aid in the spinning of a tall tale.
This version can be found on YouTube by searching Horseshoe Bend, Rices Landing, Pa. Chip Guesman, a native of the town created several videos documenting stories about Rices Landing and the people who live there.
Guesman begins by telling the "true" version as he knows it.When he guides viewers around the bend he points to the spot where the car once sat.
"When we would come up the road in the school bus you could see it (the car). The kids my age always told the story of Stovepipe who wrecked his car and lost his head. It was a good story because of the old car that lay down in there," Guesman narrates.
Regardless of which version of the story one believes in, the result is still the same: If you venture into Rices Landing on a rainy night after dark and have the courage to pause near the Horseshoe Bend while bellowing, "Stovepipe, Stovepipe, Stovepipe," perhaps in the fashion of Ichabod Crane, an apparition missing his head may just appear.
There is just one more thing you should know. The final part of the legend is that Stovepipe returns because he is looking for his head, and yours may do just fine.
Remote Viewing Tibetan Monks See Extra Terrestrial Powers Saving the World from Destroying Itself in 2012
India Daily - Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating. According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.
When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.
Every human being though their current acts in life called “Karma” can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.
Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”.
In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.
When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.
Every human being though their current acts in life called “Karma” can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.
Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”.
In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials.
In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities.
When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact with them any way.
According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external forces saved us.
When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact with them any way.
According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external forces saved us.
Swiss Watch Found in 400-Year Old Chinese Tomb
Weird Asia News - While some mysteries are occasionally solved, the majority tend to live on forever without the truth being revealed. One in the latter category concerns the recent discovery of a century-old Swiss watch discovered in an ancient Chinese tomb that has been sealed for more than 400 years.
How did it get there? This is the question haunting the archaeologists who discovered the Swiss watch in an ancient tomb in Shangsi, southern China, they believed had not been opened since its occupant’s funeral, which occurred during the Ming Dynasty (15-16th centuries).
The miniature watch, which is in the shape of a ring, is thought to be barely a century old. The mysterious timepiece was encrusted in mud and rock and had stopped at 10:06 am. On the back of the watch, the word, ‘Swiss’ is engraved.
Its presence raises more questions than answers… like: Where did the watch come from? Could the watch/ring have been planted at the tomb, but if so, why and by whom?
The known facts do not really help in this case.
The Ming Dynasty did have its own unique age of watch making, but that does not explain why the word, ‘Swiss’ on the back of the watch is engraved in English. In Geneva, Switzerland, other languages were more common, namely French and German.
In 1541 in Geneva, there was a ban on flashy jewelry, so the idea of a watch/ ring might make some sense, as a watch was considered practical and essential. Still, there is no record anywhere of ring/watches being popular in Europe until after 1780, which only deepens the mystery.
The archaeologists were filming a documentary with two journalists when they made the puzzling discovery.
The dig has been suspended and researchers are currently awaiting the arrival of some experts from Beijing to help them unravel this most unsettling mystery.
How did it get there? This is the question haunting the archaeologists who discovered the Swiss watch in an ancient tomb in Shangsi, southern China, they believed had not been opened since its occupant’s funeral, which occurred during the Ming Dynasty (15-16th centuries).
The miniature watch, which is in the shape of a ring, is thought to be barely a century old. The mysterious timepiece was encrusted in mud and rock and had stopped at 10:06 am. On the back of the watch, the word, ‘Swiss’ is engraved.
Its presence raises more questions than answers… like: Where did the watch come from? Could the watch/ring have been planted at the tomb, but if so, why and by whom?
The known facts do not really help in this case.
The Ming Dynasty did have its own unique age of watch making, but that does not explain why the word, ‘Swiss’ on the back of the watch is engraved in English. In Geneva, Switzerland, other languages were more common, namely French and German.
In 1541 in Geneva, there was a ban on flashy jewelry, so the idea of a watch/ ring might make some sense, as a watch was considered practical and essential. Still, there is no record anywhere of ring/watches being popular in Europe until after 1780, which only deepens the mystery.
The archaeologists were filming a documentary with two journalists when they made the puzzling discovery.
The dig has been suspended and researchers are currently awaiting the arrival of some experts from Beijing to help them unravel this most unsettling mystery.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Amazing Chinese Yeti?
A curious animal recently caught by hunters in the Sichuan province of China is being touted by some as a Yeti, the Oriental version of Bigfoot. The mysterious hairless animal was initially described by eyewitnesses as having features resembling a bear or kangaroo.
The finding is part of a growing number of mysterious mangy creature reports in recent years. And it could get worse.
The supposed Yeti is being shipped to Beijing for DNA testing, but a photograph of the animal clearly shows a small creature with four legs and a tail.
Loren Coleman, author of several books on Bigfoot, believes the animal is likely a civet, a cat-like creature native to the area. Whatever it is, it's not a bear, nor a kangaroo, nor a dragon, and certainly not a Yeti.
Wimpy Yeti?
In artist depictions and in the public’s mind, beasts such as the Yeti and Bigfoot are usually huge, powerful animals — not the scared, sickly, pathetic little "mystery creatures" that are found. Almost all mammals have hair, so when a hairless mammal is seen, it arouses mystery, curiosity, and of course wild speculation. Yet among biologists and zoologists, this is a non-mystery.
What the civet and other animals have in common is a bad case of mange. Mange is a parasitic skin infection caused by mites. Sarcoptic mange, a highly contagious form of the disease, can cause hair loss as well as skin welts and crusting. Because people usually see animals with their full coat of fur, animals with mange can be very difficult to identify.
In North America there has been a dramatic increase in the number of "mysterious" hairless animals found both alive and dead over the past five years. The "Montauk Monster" was a hairless raccoon, though most were initially identified as Chupacabra, the Latin American vampiric beast. Various chupacabras found in Texas were identified through DNA analysis as belonging to the Canidae family — dogs and coyotes.
And now this Yeti. What's going on?
Global warming to blame?
If reports of strange animals with mange seem to be more common over the past few years, there's a good ecological reason: global warming.
LiveScience spoke to Mike Bowdenchuck, state director for Texas Wildlife Services, who explained why mysterious, hairless animals are more common in Texas and the southwest than other areas:
"Down here, animals don't die of mange, because the temperatures are warm enough," Bowdenchuck said. Rather, the animals live with mange.
"Mange is very common in colder areas, in fact wolves are getting it in Montana right now, and in North Dakota foxes get it," he said, noting a big difference: "Up there it's fatal, so you never see animals with the severe cases that we see in the southern climates, because they don't live long enough for the mites to get that bad to cause the hair to fall off. They die of hypothermia first."
Animals that have lost their fur are more vulnerable to the cold, so in warmer climates they live longer (and be more likely to be seen). Thus one might conclude that sightings of hairless animals will become more common as the climate warms. The extended forecast calls for more non-Bigfoot, non-Yeti, and non-chupacabra mangy monster sightings.
Note: Animals with mange are being confused with actual Cryptid beings, but to call a mangy cat a Yeti is a pretty far reach. Whatever it needs to lay off the BIC for awhile.
- Live Science
Dibbuk Box Movie Moves Forward
Sam Raimi has had his name linked to dozens of projects within the past couple of years, but finding out if he’s actually going to move forward with any of them has mostly been a waiting game. Here’s at least one we can confirm: Dibbuk Box, a horror/thriller that’s said to be in the vein of The Exorcist and The Shining. Raimi is producing the film, along with his Ghost House partner Rob Tapert. The plot centers around a haunted box, and the evil curse it unleashes upon the unsuspecting family who acquires it.
It’s based on a true story.
Well, sort of.
The story of the film hails from the LA Times, from an article written by Leslie Gornstein titled A jinx in a box?. In it, she describes an urban legend that resulted from an eBay auction selling a small wooden cabinet consisting of “two locks of hair, one granite slab, one dried rosebud, one goblet, two wheat pennies, one candlestick and, allegedly, one ‘dibbuk,’ a kind of spirit popular in Yiddish folklore”. According to the seller, the box had been the cause of “a tidal wave of ‘bad luck’”, such as his hair beginning to fall out. The legend started gaining prominence when subsequent purchasers of the box were met also met with rotten luck, as well a string of seemingly paranormal events. The box even has a website dedicated to the mystery surrounding it.
By horror movie standards this is all rather pedestrian, so the ‘the curse’ will no doubt be heightened in order to prevent the film featuring too many scenes of stubbed toes and mysteriously opened windows. Regardless, you can be sure that the marketing is going to proudly tout the film as being ‘based on true events’.
In any case, Raimi has found a director for his latest ghost story, and The Hollywood Reporter learned who it is. Accepting directorial duties is Ole Bornedal (Nightwatch), a Danish filmmaker who’s fairly new to the Hollywood scene. Last year, one of Bornedal’s films—the noir thriller Just Another Love Story—was set to be remade by 500 Days of Summer‘s Marc Webb (who’s now busy at work on the Spider-Man reboot). I haven’t yet seen the film, but it’s been sitting on my Netflix Queue (where’s it currently available on Watch Instantly) ever since it was recommended on an early episode of the /Filmcast.
The screenplay for Dibbuk Box was written by Knowing scribes Juliet Snowden and Stiles White. Lionsgate is distributing the film, with production planned to begin in January 2011.
Note: I know Aaron at Mysterious Universe anxiously awaits this movie's release and so do I.
- Film
It’s based on a true story.
Well, sort of.
The story of the film hails from the LA Times, from an article written by Leslie Gornstein titled A jinx in a box?. In it, she describes an urban legend that resulted from an eBay auction selling a small wooden cabinet consisting of “two locks of hair, one granite slab, one dried rosebud, one goblet, two wheat pennies, one candlestick and, allegedly, one ‘dibbuk,’ a kind of spirit popular in Yiddish folklore”. According to the seller, the box had been the cause of “a tidal wave of ‘bad luck’”, such as his hair beginning to fall out. The legend started gaining prominence when subsequent purchasers of the box were met also met with rotten luck, as well a string of seemingly paranormal events. The box even has a website dedicated to the mystery surrounding it.
By horror movie standards this is all rather pedestrian, so the ‘the curse’ will no doubt be heightened in order to prevent the film featuring too many scenes of stubbed toes and mysteriously opened windows. Regardless, you can be sure that the marketing is going to proudly tout the film as being ‘based on true events’.
In any case, Raimi has found a director for his latest ghost story, and The Hollywood Reporter learned who it is. Accepting directorial duties is Ole Bornedal (Nightwatch), a Danish filmmaker who’s fairly new to the Hollywood scene. Last year, one of Bornedal’s films—the noir thriller Just Another Love Story—was set to be remade by 500 Days of Summer‘s Marc Webb (who’s now busy at work on the Spider-Man reboot). I haven’t yet seen the film, but it’s been sitting on my Netflix Queue (where’s it currently available on Watch Instantly) ever since it was recommended on an early episode of the /Filmcast.
The screenplay for Dibbuk Box was written by Knowing scribes Juliet Snowden and Stiles White. Lionsgate is distributing the film, with production planned to begin in January 2011.
Note: I know Aaron at Mysterious Universe anxiously awaits this movie's release and so do I.
- Film
Ghosts Using Cell Phones to Contact Friends
A paranormal expert in Britain has claimed that ghosts are trying to contact the living through mobile phones, with the number of mystery calls attributed to them rising by 43 percent in the last four years. Phil Hayes, a spectre investigator from Paranormal Research UK, believes a third of all haunting are now through mobile phones.
"There is evidence to suggest that ghosts can use phones to communicate, with reports of people receiving phone calls from deceased relatives," the Sun quoted Hayes as saying.
According to him, the calls often feature heavy static and the voice sounds faint and distant, and nine in ten show as "withheld number" or "000000000000" on caller ID.
Statistics show two thirds of all paranormal phenomena feature sounds, with just 20 percent being actual sightings of ghosts and 15 percent based on smell.
The study by Tesco Mobile revealed Paranormal Research UK have seen a 70 percent upsurge in paranormal evidence in the last year due to people using their phones.
"We'd recommend those brave enough to capture any spooky sightings should MMS or email their pics to the paranormal society for investigation," Lance Batchelor, CEO of Tesco Mobile said.
"Keep your camera phone on the highest quality resolution setting and use the recorder to capture the noise of any spectral sounds," he added.
-Sify News
"There is evidence to suggest that ghosts can use phones to communicate, with reports of people receiving phone calls from deceased relatives," the Sun quoted Hayes as saying.
According to him, the calls often feature heavy static and the voice sounds faint and distant, and nine in ten show as "withheld number" or "000000000000" on caller ID.
Statistics show two thirds of all paranormal phenomena feature sounds, with just 20 percent being actual sightings of ghosts and 15 percent based on smell.
The study by Tesco Mobile revealed Paranormal Research UK have seen a 70 percent upsurge in paranormal evidence in the last year due to people using their phones.
"We'd recommend those brave enough to capture any spooky sightings should MMS or email their pics to the paranormal society for investigation," Lance Batchelor, CEO of Tesco Mobile said.
"Keep your camera phone on the highest quality resolution setting and use the recorder to capture the noise of any spectral sounds," he added.
-Sify News
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Time Traveler Caught on Charlie Chaplin Film from 1928?
This is film captured from the 1928 film "The Circus". Looks as if a woman is walking by talking on her cell phone. If you're going to go to the trouble to dress for the time, try not to walk down the street talking on your iPhone looking like a Looney Toon. Maybe it was common back then for people to walk around talking to their hand. Wonder if she had any cool aps on her hand?
Look What Todd's Got!
More New York Sightings
Sick of seeing stuff about New York sightings? Good, here's more.
This is from Friday. It's not that exciting, but worth a look. Enjoy.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Will the recent spike in UFO sightings help Denver's 'UFO Initiative' pass?
The recent rash of UFO sightings, globally, not just in the U.S., has not just caused interest in the subject to rise, but has focused some national attention on an otherwise local political initiative: Initiative 300, in Denver, CO.
If passed, Initiative 300 would create a Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, with seven members who would meet twice a year, gather the most "compelling evidence" regarding the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs and post it on the Denver's website. It sounds, of sorts, like a real-life X-Files, though one without the resources of the FBI.
Initiative 300 is backed by Jeff Peckman. Although Peckman can't say that any of the recent UFO sightings have been legitimate, he does feel that they might help get his idea passed. Here's how the initiative appears on the ballot:
“City and County of Denver Ballot Question Initiated ordinance 300: shall the voters for the city and county of Denver adopt an initiated ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?”According to the Initiative's website, and based on the portion of the text about "grants, gifts, and donations," the Commission will cost the city no budget dollars. Reportedly, Denver’s City Council can repeal the ETA Commission ordinance after six months, as well.
The website, in its banner headline, lists the follow "reasons" for passing Initiative 300.
- Elvis Presley had more UFO sightings and meetings with ETs than any other celebrity.
- Muhammad Ali saw at least twenty-two UFOs and was fascinated by them.
- Michael Jackson wanted to welcome extraterrestrials to Earth and film the landing.
- Jimmy Carter saw a UFO and promised to disclose government UFO files if elected president.
- Hillary Clinton helped draft a comprehensive disclosure policy on UFOs and ETs.
- Ronald Reagan followed a UFO by plane for several minutes but was afraid to report it.
One has to wonder, really, if researching UFOs is such a great idea. After all, none other than acclaimed scientist Stephen Hawking said, "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans."
That's the stuff of history. The stuff of science fiction would point to Independence Day, War of the Worlds, V, and the upcoming Skyline, and warn us: uh, uh, let's let sleeping dogs lie.
Initiative 300 is up for a vote on Nov. 2nd.
China to Search for Elusive 'Bigfoot'
Inscription at the entrance to the "Yeren Cave" in western Hubei Province.
North America has its 'Bigfoot' and China has its 'Wild Man.'
A group of Chinese scientists are on the hunt for the Yeren, the Chinese equivalent of our Bigfoot. Scientists and international researchers refer to the Yeren as "Wild Man" and are on a renewed quest to find him.
Thirty years ago, China's Academy of Science sent three teams of researchers looking for the mysterious creature. Those teams turned up surprising results: hair, excrement, footprints, and a possible 'Wild Man' sleeping nest. Alas, those findings weren't conclusive so they are at it again.
This time around the members of the Hubei Wild Man Research Association are hoping to collect donations to help catch the legendary creature. They need $1.5 million to kick off the project.
This research is not without its merits. Over the years people have reported 400 sightings of a reddish hair ape-like man that looks a lot like an Orangutan but stands nearly 7ft tall. Nicholas Redfern, one of the world's leading cryptozoologists, thinks this newest expedition in China is worthwhile because of the fossil record.
"A lot of monster stories can be traced back to myth and folk lore. What people don't know is that in this instance we actually have the fossil record of a large ape-like creature that lived in that area over 300,000 years ago," Redfern told
In fact, primatologists have jaw bones, teeth and other bones from a creature found in that area known as Gigantopithecus that would've measured nearly 9ft tall (but probably hunched like an ape).
Redfern has been involved in countless research expeditions and they've all had one thing in common: lack of funds.
"It'd be great if we could have a team that could go out there for a year," he told "The chances of going into the forest for one week and stumbling across something are very slim. It's like the people who go to Loch Ness for a day or two hoping to see the monster; it just doesn't happen."
So even if the Hubei Wild Man Research Association raises enough money for a prolonged expedition, is it possible this creature still roams the forests of Asia?
"Conventional science and zoology tells us that Gigantopithecus has long been extinct, but very often science gets it wrong. The final word isn't always the final word," Redfern said.
Recent Post From Fox News.
Kids Behind UFO Sightings Over Manhattan
The Chelsea UFO theories have been deflated.
The mysterious objects that hovered over West 23rd Street on Wednesday were almost certainly errant party balloons.
And they came not from Mars, but Mount Vernon.
"It was just a freak thing. Frankly, I'm shocked by it," said Angela Freeman, head of the Milestone School in the Westchester suburb, where the cluster of balloons was inadvertently launched.
"The kids had an engagement party for a teacher, and a mother brought four dozen balloons, and she's coming through the door. It is very windy in Mount Vernon. Suddenly, 12 of the balloons let loose."
The cluster of balloons meant for language-arts teacher Andrea Craparo went skyward at around 1 p.m. The first "UFO" sighting was at about 1:30 p.m. When Freeman heard the news, she realized the "UFO" frenzy that brought parts of Chelsea to a dead halt were her balloons.
"It makes sense. The balloon just went right down the West Side," she said. The sightings prompted several calls to 911, according to the NYPD.
National Weather Service meteorologist Brian Ciemnecki said wind conditions could have easily taken the cluster of silver and white balloons on that very course over Manhattan.
Even before Freeman came forward, veteran UFO-ologists were skeptical.
"It had the flavor of a cluster of balloons, in my opinion," said Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center, a private research group
based in Washington, DC.
By Chuck Bennett
Published October 15, 2010
| New York Post
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mysterious Universe
Big shout out to Benjamin and Aaron at Mysterious Universe. They are who inspired me to start up a blog. Check them out at Be sure to become a Plus Member and catch up on all their podcasts. They're the best out there!
Be sure to contact Aaron and ask him about the Dibbuk Box. Be careful though, he may kick your face off.
Britain Releases UFO Info
Britain released hundreds of previously secret "UFO files" on Thursday including a letter saying that Winston Churchill had ordered a 50 year cover-up of a wartime encounter between a UFO and military pilot. The files, published by the National Archives, span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across Britain. One Ministry of Defense note refers to a 1999 letter stating that a Royal Air Force plane returning from a mission in Europe during World War Two was "approached by a metallic UFO." The unidentified author of the letter says his grandfather attended a wartime meeting between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower during which the two expressed concern over the incident and "decided to keep it secret." The MoD subsequently investigated the case but found no written record of the incident, the files say. "... the MoD does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded," it said in a 1999 note. Britain has been slowly releasing long-classified files related to sightings of mysterious craft in the skies above its cities, compiled and investigated by the MoD over past decades. Some cases subsequently received rational explanations, such as meteors burning up in the atmosphere, but many are unsolved. One memo, dated 1997, contains reports of "sonic booms" and a mysterious plane crash in northern England. No wreckage was found in an ensuing search by the police and rescue teams. Another incident refers to sightings of a "black triangular UFO" over the home of the shadow home secretary in Kent in the late 1990s. An investigation showed no breach of security. In a case filed in 1995, the captain of a plane approaching Manchester airport reported a near-miss with an "unidentified object," and a witness on the ground separately provided a sketch showing a UFO "20 times the size of a football field." An inquiry failed to identify the object, the memo said. Buried deep among meticulous sketches and MoD memos, some files refer to curious episodes in Britain's history. During the Cold War, Britain sent fighter jets to intercept Soviet aircraft as often as 200 times a year, one MoD document showed. The note, filed in 1996, said mystery sightings picked up on radar during the Cold War were invariably proved to be Soviet anti-submarine or long-range reconnaissance planes. "Prior to the demise of the Former Soviet Union, aircraft were scrambled some 200 times annually to intercept and investigate uncorrelated tracks penetrating the UK Air Defense region (AKADR) from the north..." it said. The last such scramble was in September 1991 -- around the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Share Your Encounters
Call out to everyone to share your experiences with me. I will post the top 5 experiences.
Email Paranormal Dish.
Email Paranormal Dish.
Reptile Encounter
Location/Date: Near Carthage, Missouri - March 7, 2004 - afternoon: The two witnesses had gone ATV riding in a area referred to as "The Underground" which is a public and private storage facility near the town. The facility is miles and miles of carved out caves and also stores thousands of dehydrated food containers for the Navy. It is also a fallout shelter and can hold up to 40,000 to 50,000 people. They had gone about 8 miles deep into the caves when they turned into an area that was marked, "Naval Authoritative Zone." The walls had become more polished or finished, which was striking because this was supposed to be a newly blasted area. Both witnesses just kept on going, increasing their speed since the floor was paved now.
They came upon an unusual painted pattern on the floor, which they thought it was graffiti. The road then dipped down and took a 90-degree turn to the left. They were going too fast and knew they were going to hit the wall but, instead, they passed through some kind of holographic projection of the cave wall. Now they had come upon a whole new road system, this one large and much older than the one they had come from.
They began to notice a musty and damp odor that intensified as they went deeper into the area. The lighting had changed as well. It was now much darker than the other area from which they had come. They turned on their headlights and slowed down also noticing that it was starting to get cooler. They made a right turn and started to come up on what they thought was a rest area about 40 ft away. One of the witnesses then saw something that at first he thought were a pair of fountains until the objects moved. They both stopped immediately. About 30 ft away they saw two creatures, one was very tall (at least 7 ft, maybe more) and very powerfully built and reddish in color. The other was smaller (about 6 ft tall) and was a pale, almost albino color. This one was not as powerfully built as the other. Both beings resembled large reptiles. The beings said nothing but the witnesses did get a strong malevolent feeling, an evil presence of some kind from the taller one. One of the witnesses screamed and they immediately turned and started back. As they looked back they noticed the taller entity was following them. One witness had an overwhelming feeling that if it caught them, harm would come to them. They passed through the wall projection again, looked back and saw the tall entity raise it's arm holding a weapon of some sort. It fired and hit one of the ATVs, which apparently killed the engine causing it to stop. The rider ran to the other ATV and jumped on it. They drove away and looked back to see that the tall reptilian had now stopped at the graffiti area on the cave floor. It seemed that the creature would not cross the strange marked area...some type of barrier for the creature.
The witnesses now slowed down and were about 75 ft away from the creature. The two men and the reptilian stared at each other for about 15 seconds and then they left. The creature remained standing without moving. One of the witnesses called the police on his cell phone but he was told that the security at the facility would handle the matter. Indeed security waited for the men and threatened to arrest them if they did not leave.
Post Via Lon at Phantoms & Monsters
They came upon an unusual painted pattern on the floor, which they thought it was graffiti. The road then dipped down and took a 90-degree turn to the left. They were going too fast and knew they were going to hit the wall but, instead, they passed through some kind of holographic projection of the cave wall. Now they had come upon a whole new road system, this one large and much older than the one they had come from.
They began to notice a musty and damp odor that intensified as they went deeper into the area. The lighting had changed as well. It was now much darker than the other area from which they had come. They turned on their headlights and slowed down also noticing that it was starting to get cooler. They made a right turn and started to come up on what they thought was a rest area about 40 ft away. One of the witnesses then saw something that at first he thought were a pair of fountains until the objects moved. They both stopped immediately. About 30 ft away they saw two creatures, one was very tall (at least 7 ft, maybe more) and very powerfully built and reddish in color. The other was smaller (about 6 ft tall) and was a pale, almost albino color. This one was not as powerfully built as the other. Both beings resembled large reptiles. The beings said nothing but the witnesses did get a strong malevolent feeling, an evil presence of some kind from the taller one. One of the witnesses screamed and they immediately turned and started back. As they looked back they noticed the taller entity was following them. One witness had an overwhelming feeling that if it caught them, harm would come to them. They passed through the wall projection again, looked back and saw the tall entity raise it's arm holding a weapon of some sort. It fired and hit one of the ATVs, which apparently killed the engine causing it to stop. The rider ran to the other ATV and jumped on it. They drove away and looked back to see that the tall reptilian had now stopped at the graffiti area on the cave floor. It seemed that the creature would not cross the strange marked area...some type of barrier for the creature.
The witnesses now slowed down and were about 75 ft away from the creature. The two men and the reptilian stared at each other for about 15 seconds and then they left. The creature remained standing without moving. One of the witnesses called the police on his cell phone but he was told that the security at the facility would handle the matter. Indeed security waited for the men and threatened to arrest them if they did not leave.
Post Via Lon at Phantoms & Monsters
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