Sunday, November 28, 2010
Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids Contain UFO Technology
All News Web - In a shock statement, head of the Cairo University Archeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen has told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.
On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".
Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen has refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
UFO Studies Offer Glimpse of the Future
RIA Novosti interview with Vadim Chernobrov:
Vadim Chernobrov, head of the public organization Kosmopoisk that investigates UFOs and unexplained phenomena, tells Samir Shakhbaz about recent developments in UFO research and sheds light on some long-standing mysteries, including those surrounding the famous Area 51 military base in Nevada.
Samir Shakhbaz: Good afternoon, Mr. Chernobrov.
Vadim Chernobrov: Good afternoon.
S.S.: This is a very interesting subject, but the media and the Internet are filled with so much junk that some interesting things-- for example mysterious events that deserve our attention -- go unnoticed, and real scientists and researchers are labeled fakes and quacks. What is the most exciting thing you’ve been working on this past year?
V.C.: By sifting through the archives, we have turned up enough reliable data that allows us to anticipate events rather than just going to a site after an event already occurred. We can now forecast what will happen and where. We can go to a site before an event– before the crop circles are made or a UFO appears. The more accurate our forecasts, the closer we will get to unlocking these mysteries. However, we are competing in a serious race.
S.S.: That’s only natural. Your rivals have much more sophisticated technology.
V.C.: I’m not trying to compare technology. It’s not about technology, it’s all about who will figure it out first. Sometimes I see that we’re on the right track. We go to a site, set up our equipment and video cameras, but it turns out that the other side’s reconnaissance was better.
S.S.: Have you ever managed to catch something on camera?
V.C.: Our ultimate goal is not to get a photo or high-quality footage. This chapter has been closed for a long time. Believe me, seeing good footage or picture is nothing new. I’ve seen hundreds of examples. It would be new to find some physical evidence – something that can be measured and touched, something that can give our engineers new food for thought. I see ufology as an engineering problem with psychological and social dimensions, of course. As an aerospace engineer, I’m always most interested in the last page of the textbook, to find out what we will be flying in 50 or 100 years. In fact, ufology is an attempt to get a glimpse into the near and distant future. This is what drives us.
S.S.: Have you found any physical evidence lately? What contribution have you made to the technological advancement of the human race?
V.C.: For the nearly quarter century that we’ve been doing this work, we have found a few dozen mysterious items. We have tested most of them at laboratories and failed to clearly identify the purpose of most of them. The items that we managed to identify were very simple, for example, a piece of wire or a fitting. However, these items are a thousand years old, predating the era of advanced human technology. There are also items that we could not identify at all. We don’t even know what to call them. We are like savages holding a transistor radio, not knowing what to do with it.
S.S.: You can’t even figure out the basic function of these objects?
V.C.: That’s right. Experts are worlds apart in their views on these objects.
S.S.: Where are these objects? Are there any pictures of them? Or are they classified?
V.C.: Since 1992, we have taken the initiative to classify certain things. There isn’t a government agency or committee that supervises our work and keeps certain things under wraps. If we withhold anything, we do it deliberately, and only because research is ongoing.
S.S.: Do you believe that governments are paying enough attention to this issue? Or are they doing it in secret?
V.C.: Both. In fact, your questions are not mutually exclusive. We see it everyday. They are partly responsible for the tons of garbage in the media and on the Internet. Some of these reports are sophisticated canards meant to mislead rivals: while we are doing real work and while our specialists are engaged in reverse engineering, you will be following the false scents that we come across all the time. I’m talking about high quality fakes made by skilled forgers. I’m sometimes astonished at how much time and money is wasted on these false scents and cover-ups. This means that there is something to cover up.
S.S.: You must get this question all the time, but what about the top-secret military base in Roswell, in the United States, which allegedly holds remains of flying saucers and even an alien pilot.
V.C.: If you’d be interested, we will publish a picture of an object from Area 51, which we assume is part of a UFO. We managed to get hold of one object in a very complicated operation. We were helped by Japanese partners under the condition that we conduct a thorough analysis of the object, which they would retain exclusive rights to. In fact, this object turned out to be a masterpiece of forgery. Our Japanese colleagues were very upset, and so were we until we realized that if someone is spending so much money to make these fakes and plant them, then there has got to be something authentic to hide. As for Russia, we have looked into all the events we could here. We toured top-secret bases in the 1990s, when one could get access to almost anywhere. But we found nothing. Apparently, 99% of reports on extraterrestrials are fakes. We have to accept this. But we continue our work because at least 1% of these reports are authentic, and this is enough to keep us going. This is what we are working for.
S.S.: When could first contact occur in your opinion? Have you had personal encounters with extraterrestrials?
V.C.: No, I haven’t had any direct contact. Of course, I would like to. But the issue is not what I want. It’s not about the aliens, it’s about us. In other words, contact will happen when we are ready for it. Look at the news stories around the world. If you look at human civilization objectively, you will see how aggressive and mindless it still is. There is no chance of contact while we are still so unsophisticated. There is certainly no chance that we will get alien technology. Sometimes we say that the fact that we have not been contacted is proof that that there is intelligent life in the universe. Only an insane alien civilization would want to contact us.
S.S.: Thank you, Mr. Chernobrov.
Vadim Chernobrov, head of the public organization Kosmopoisk that investigates UFOs and unexplained phenomena, tells Samir Shakhbaz about recent developments in UFO research and sheds light on some long-standing mysteries, including those surrounding the famous Area 51 military base in Nevada.
Samir Shakhbaz: Good afternoon, Mr. Chernobrov.
Vadim Chernobrov: Good afternoon.
S.S.: This is a very interesting subject, but the media and the Internet are filled with so much junk that some interesting things-- for example mysterious events that deserve our attention -- go unnoticed, and real scientists and researchers are labeled fakes and quacks. What is the most exciting thing you’ve been working on this past year?
V.C.: By sifting through the archives, we have turned up enough reliable data that allows us to anticipate events rather than just going to a site after an event already occurred. We can now forecast what will happen and where. We can go to a site before an event– before the crop circles are made or a UFO appears. The more accurate our forecasts, the closer we will get to unlocking these mysteries. However, we are competing in a serious race.
S.S.: That’s only natural. Your rivals have much more sophisticated technology.
V.C.: I’m not trying to compare technology. It’s not about technology, it’s all about who will figure it out first. Sometimes I see that we’re on the right track. We go to a site, set up our equipment and video cameras, but it turns out that the other side’s reconnaissance was better.
S.S.: Have you ever managed to catch something on camera?
V.C.: Our ultimate goal is not to get a photo or high-quality footage. This chapter has been closed for a long time. Believe me, seeing good footage or picture is nothing new. I’ve seen hundreds of examples. It would be new to find some physical evidence – something that can be measured and touched, something that can give our engineers new food for thought. I see ufology as an engineering problem with psychological and social dimensions, of course. As an aerospace engineer, I’m always most interested in the last page of the textbook, to find out what we will be flying in 50 or 100 years. In fact, ufology is an attempt to get a glimpse into the near and distant future. This is what drives us.
S.S.: Have you found any physical evidence lately? What contribution have you made to the technological advancement of the human race?
V.C.: For the nearly quarter century that we’ve been doing this work, we have found a few dozen mysterious items. We have tested most of them at laboratories and failed to clearly identify the purpose of most of them. The items that we managed to identify were very simple, for example, a piece of wire or a fitting. However, these items are a thousand years old, predating the era of advanced human technology. There are also items that we could not identify at all. We don’t even know what to call them. We are like savages holding a transistor radio, not knowing what to do with it.
S.S.: You can’t even figure out the basic function of these objects?
V.C.: That’s right. Experts are worlds apart in their views on these objects.
S.S.: Where are these objects? Are there any pictures of them? Or are they classified?
V.C.: Since 1992, we have taken the initiative to classify certain things. There isn’t a government agency or committee that supervises our work and keeps certain things under wraps. If we withhold anything, we do it deliberately, and only because research is ongoing.
S.S.: Do you believe that governments are paying enough attention to this issue? Or are they doing it in secret?
V.C.: Both. In fact, your questions are not mutually exclusive. We see it everyday. They are partly responsible for the tons of garbage in the media and on the Internet. Some of these reports are sophisticated canards meant to mislead rivals: while we are doing real work and while our specialists are engaged in reverse engineering, you will be following the false scents that we come across all the time. I’m talking about high quality fakes made by skilled forgers. I’m sometimes astonished at how much time and money is wasted on these false scents and cover-ups. This means that there is something to cover up.
S.S.: You must get this question all the time, but what about the top-secret military base in Roswell, in the United States, which allegedly holds remains of flying saucers and even an alien pilot.
V.C.: If you’d be interested, we will publish a picture of an object from Area 51, which we assume is part of a UFO. We managed to get hold of one object in a very complicated operation. We were helped by Japanese partners under the condition that we conduct a thorough analysis of the object, which they would retain exclusive rights to. In fact, this object turned out to be a masterpiece of forgery. Our Japanese colleagues were very upset, and so were we until we realized that if someone is spending so much money to make these fakes and plant them, then there has got to be something authentic to hide. As for Russia, we have looked into all the events we could here. We toured top-secret bases in the 1990s, when one could get access to almost anywhere. But we found nothing. Apparently, 99% of reports on extraterrestrials are fakes. We have to accept this. But we continue our work because at least 1% of these reports are authentic, and this is enough to keep us going. This is what we are working for.
S.S.: When could first contact occur in your opinion? Have you had personal encounters with extraterrestrials?
V.C.: No, I haven’t had any direct contact. Of course, I would like to. But the issue is not what I want. It’s not about the aliens, it’s about us. In other words, contact will happen when we are ready for it. Look at the news stories around the world. If you look at human civilization objectively, you will see how aggressive and mindless it still is. There is no chance of contact while we are still so unsophisticated. There is certainly no chance that we will get alien technology. Sometimes we say that the fact that we have not been contacted is proof that that there is intelligent life in the universe. Only an insane alien civilization would want to contact us.
S.S.: Thank you, Mr. Chernobrov.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hitler's Secret Flying Saucer
MailOnline - As Hitler's armies began to crumble on fronts as far apart as Stalingrad and North Africa, he turned in increasing desperation to his scientists to create a war-winning super-weapon.
Some, like the V2 rockets and the first jet fighters, saw action but came too late to halt defeat.
Others were so outrageously ambitious that they never got past the drawing board. The idea of building flying saucers to bomb London and even New York could have been just such a scheme.
But now it is claimed that Hitler’s scientists had indeed designed this type of aircraft – and were so far advanced with the project that a prototype may even have flown.
The programme, under the command of SS officer Hans Kammler, was said to have made significant breakthroughs with their experiments, says a report in the German science magazine PM.
Target: Hitler ordered Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering to develop the super weapon that would change the war.
It quotes eyewitnesses who believe they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over the Thames in 1944.
'The Americans also treated the existence of the weapons seriously,’ it adds.
At the time the New York Times had written about a 'mysterious flying disc' and published photos of the device travelling at high speeds over the city’s high-rise buildings.
The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which, to their amazement, 'did actually fly'.
The project was called the Schriever-Habermohl scheme. Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot, Otto Habermohl an engineer. It was based in Prague between 1941 and 1943.
Initially a Luftwaffe plan after Hitler ordered his airforce chief Hermann Goering to come up with a super-weapon, it was eventually taken over in 1944 by Kammler.
Prisoners of the Allies claimed to have seen the silvery flying saucer, which was about six yards across, on several occasions.
Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer on the project, said 15 prototypes were built.
He described how a central cockpit was surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes which formed a circle and gave the craft lift.
Some, like the V2 rockets and the first jet fighters, saw action but came too late to halt defeat.
Others were so outrageously ambitious that they never got past the drawing board. The idea of building flying saucers to bomb London and even New York could have been just such a scheme.
But now it is claimed that Hitler’s scientists had indeed designed this type of aircraft – and were so far advanced with the project that a prototype may even have flown.
The programme, under the command of SS officer Hans Kammler, was said to have made significant breakthroughs with their experiments, says a report in the German science magazine PM.
Target: Hitler ordered Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering to develop the super weapon that would change the war.
'The Americans also treated the existence of the weapons seriously,’ it adds.
At the time the New York Times had written about a 'mysterious flying disc' and published photos of the device travelling at high speeds over the city’s high-rise buildings.
The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which, to their amazement, 'did actually fly'.
The project was called the Schriever-Habermohl scheme. Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot, Otto Habermohl an engineer. It was based in Prague between 1941 and 1943.
Initially a Luftwaffe plan after Hitler ordered his airforce chief Hermann Goering to come up with a super-weapon, it was eventually taken over in 1944 by Kammler.
Prisoners of the Allies claimed to have seen the silvery flying saucer, which was about six yards across, on several occasions.
Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer on the project, said 15 prototypes were built.
He described how a central cockpit was surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes which formed a circle and gave the craft lift.
Scientists' 'New Discovery' About Moon's Surface Already Published by UFO Contactee... in 1987!
Benzinga - Once again, information provided by extraterrestrials to Billy Meier in Switzerland precedes "official discovery" by decades; previously scooped NASA on Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Apophis asteroid; skeptics remain silent.
An important new discovery by scientists, led by Professor Ian Garrick-Bethell of the University of California in Santa Cruz, reveals that, "The Earth may have played a major role in shaping the lunar surface, according to a new research study by US researchers. The team members say our planet's gravitational pull distorted the shape of the Moon in ancient times. This led to 'bulging at the equator and could explain why the far side is more elevated than the near side of the Moon even today."
According to Michael Horn, the U.S. representative for Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier, "Meier first received that information from the extraterrestrial humans in December 1987, 23 years ago, and we can notice how closely the description matches the so-called 'new discovery' by the scientists. Of course it's nothing against them, they've been kept in the dark about the Meier case along with most of the rest of the world for decades. And while we don't yet have a technological means of confirming it, it's a good bet that the information that Meier published about the real origin of our moon, in February 1975, will also prove to be true."
"We are now seeing regular, ongoing corroboration of Meier's wide variety of scientific and environmental information contained in the thousands of pages that he's published and which are at the center of the case. As has happened so often before in human history, those scientists who should have been the first to investigate his information viewed it as beneath them (and bad for their funding opportunities) to associate themselves with it. Fortunately, there have been some scientists who had the courage and integrity to analyze and then affirm the authenticity of his evidence. And for the people in the 'UFO communities' the Meier case also represented a threat to their commercial ventures, which are largely based on anecdotal tales and fantasies," said Horn.
"Meier scooped NASA on its most important discovery of the Voayger mission, i.e. that Io was the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Before that he published information about discoveries on Mars that preceded NASA by some 32 years. He also predicted the two planets beyond Pluto as far back as 1958 and was given information on Venus and Saturn that also proved to be accurate long before 'official discovery'. Of course it also now appears that his warnings about the real threat to Earth from the Apophis asteroid are being heeded.
"With this new corroboration of information about the causal relationship between the Earth and the moon's surface, certainly more scientists will begin to explore his information and take it seriously, even if they still don't openly acknowledge that this man, Billy Meier, is indeed the only authentic contact person for extraterrestrial human beings," said Horn, "and maybe then we'll begin to pay attention to their warnings, which are intended to help us assure our own future survival."
Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) November 17, 2010
According to Michael Horn, the U.S. representative for Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier, "Meier first received that information from the extraterrestrial humans in December 1987, 23 years ago, and we can notice how closely the description matches the so-called 'new discovery' by the scientists. Of course it's nothing against them, they've been kept in the dark about the Meier case along with most of the rest of the world for decades. And while we don't yet have a technological means of confirming it, it's a good bet that the information that Meier published about the real origin of our moon, in February 1975, will also prove to be true."
"We are now seeing regular, ongoing corroboration of Meier's wide variety of scientific and environmental information contained in the thousands of pages that he's published and which are at the center of the case. As has happened so often before in human history, those scientists who should have been the first to investigate his information viewed it as beneath them (and bad for their funding opportunities) to associate themselves with it. Fortunately, there have been some scientists who had the courage and integrity to analyze and then affirm the authenticity of his evidence. And for the people in the 'UFO communities' the Meier case also represented a threat to their commercial ventures, which are largely based on anecdotal tales and fantasies," said Horn.
"Meier scooped NASA on its most important discovery of the Voayger mission, i.e. that Io was the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Before that he published information about discoveries on Mars that preceded NASA by some 32 years. He also predicted the two planets beyond Pluto as far back as 1958 and was given information on Venus and Saturn that also proved to be accurate long before 'official discovery'. Of course it also now appears that his warnings about the real threat to Earth from the Apophis asteroid are being heeded.
"With this new corroboration of information about the causal relationship between the Earth and the moon's surface, certainly more scientists will begin to explore his information and take it seriously, even if they still don't openly acknowledge that this man, Billy Meier, is indeed the only authentic contact person for extraterrestrial human beings," said Horn, "and maybe then we'll begin to pay attention to their warnings, which are intended to help us assure our own future survival."
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Spacetime Cloak Can Make Time Travel Possible
MSN - London: A 'spacetime cloak' may be straight out of science fiction, but some day it might permit time travel or change history. A 'cloaked' individual could, for instance, travel from one place to another while appearing to vanish and appear instantaneously in a new location.
The device would speed up and slow down light to give the illusion that events have just not happened, according to the Journal of Optics. For instance, a scientifically-savvy thief with access to technology could open a safe, empty its contents, and escape right under the watchful eye of a surveillance camera, reports the Daily Mail.
The video footage would show that the safe door was closed all the time. Scientists at Imperial College London have proved it could work in theory by adapting standard fibreoptic technology. Lead scientist Martin McCall said: "We have shown that by manipulating the way the light illuminating an event reaches the viewer, it is possible to hide the passage of time."
"If you had someone moving along the corridor, it would appear to a distant observer as if they had relocated instantaneously, creating the illusion of a Star Trek transporter. So, theoretically, this person might be able to do something and you wouldn't notice," McCall added.
The new research goes a step beyond 'invisibility cloak' technology by devising a way to conceal events as well as objects. This is achieved not by bending light, but by manipulating the speed at which light travels through a material medium.
Illuminating light is divided into an accelerated 'leading part' which arrives before an event, and a slowed 'trailing half' which lags behind and arrives after the event. Both the fast and slow rays are joined back together and adjusted to the same speed before being seen by an observer.
The result is a concealed passage of time or 'temporal void' during which the event is not illuminated and goes unnoticed. Graduate student Alberto Favaro, who also worked on the project, said: "It is unlike ordinary cloaking devices because it does not attempt to divert light around an object."
The video footage would show that the safe door was closed all the time. Scientists at Imperial College London have proved it could work in theory by adapting standard fibreoptic technology. Lead scientist Martin McCall said: "We have shown that by manipulating the way the light illuminating an event reaches the viewer, it is possible to hide the passage of time."
"If you had someone moving along the corridor, it would appear to a distant observer as if they had relocated instantaneously, creating the illusion of a Star Trek transporter. So, theoretically, this person might be able to do something and you wouldn't notice," McCall added.
The new research goes a step beyond 'invisibility cloak' technology by devising a way to conceal events as well as objects. This is achieved not by bending light, but by manipulating the speed at which light travels through a material medium.
Illuminating light is divided into an accelerated 'leading part' which arrives before an event, and a slowed 'trailing half' which lags behind and arrives after the event. Both the fast and slow rays are joined back together and adjusted to the same speed before being seen by an observer.
The result is a concealed passage of time or 'temporal void' during which the event is not illuminated and goes unnoticed. Graduate student Alberto Favaro, who also worked on the project, said: "It is unlike ordinary cloaking devices because it does not attempt to divert light around an object."
A New Ancient Crystal Skull Discovered!
Philip Coppens - With the 2008 release of “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, crystal skulls attained a far higher level of exposure than ever before. Before, crystal skulls had only become somewhat famous in the 1980s, particularly in New Age circles. Today, there are hundreds of crystal skulls, almost all of them of modern fabrication (most made in China) and used in various New Age-type seminars. Only a handful of skulls are suspected of having ancient origins, including the most famous of all crystal skulls: the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull.
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” makes scant references to the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull. It stands out for it is by far the most complex, and the only skull with a detachable jaw, meaning that whomever made this, was a master artist in carving crystal – able to create a feat that modern carvers have been unable to accomplish. Gerald Leandro De Souza, a master skull carver from Brazil with 25 years of experience behind him, notes that “the process of cutting the jaw from a skull causes the jaw to break and is almost impossible for skull carvers to accomplish.”
Still, sceptics, principally led by Jane Walsh, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, try to argue that all these skulls are of modern fabrications. So far, none of the claims made by Walsh and co. have been substantiated, let alone supported by factual evidence. Specifically, Walsh tries to point the finger to Germany and the town of Idar-Oberstein, arguing most of these skulls were carved there by the resident artists. However, no records of skull carving have ever been found there; there are no records of any carver doing carving in the middle of the 19th century, when some of these skulls are said to have been made. In short, Walsh’s theories remain totally unsubstantiated – not very scientific!
On the other side of the debate are the likes of Nick Nocerino, one of the first crystal skull researchers, who travelled extensively throughout Central America, in search of them. He noted how on several occasions, Indian tribes offered skulls on sale to him, as with the money, the local shamans could buy precious Western medicine and like, to help their tribe at a time when the Mayan people were subjected to genocide. Nocerino always refused such offers, as he strongly believed the skulls were such an integral part of Mayan society, that these tribes needed their precious talisman. (Though he did everything to help the tribes in other ways.)
The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull too comes with a Central American origin. The family itself stated that Anna Mitchell-Hedges found the skull in the ruins of Lubaantuun on her 17th birthday in 1924. It is a story Anna adhered to until her death, though it was subjected to intense criticism from the sceptics. Indeed, a more likely story about how her father found the skull is told in his novel, “The White Tiger”, published in 1931. In it, he relates a largely autobiographical account of an Englishman who is initiated by a Mayan tribe, to become the principal caretaker of a most important treasure. When the Mayan priest shows him the treasure, the Englishman is led down into a series of tunnels, before the treasure is unveiled to him: “Before him, piled in endless confusion, lay the treasure of the Aztecs. Gold chalices, bowls, jars and other vessels of every size and shape; immense plaques and strange ornaments all glittered dully. Of precious stones there were none, but many rare chalchihuitl (jadeite pendants) [sic]. Masks of obsidian and shells beautifully inlaid were all heaped together with heads carved from solid blocks of crystal. Legend had not exaggerated the treasure of the Aztecs. Almost boundless wealth lay at the disposal of the White Tiger.”
“Heads carved from solid blocks of crystals”: a reference to crystal skulls made by Frederick “Mike” Mitchell-Hedges in 1931, more than a decade before he – according to the likes of Walsh – acquired a skull at auction at Sotheby’s in London in 1943.
Because it is the most complex, the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull is both the most famous and the most debated. It is unique. But today, the Mitchell-Hedges skull is no longer unique: on August 6, 2009, former Alaskan fisherman Joe Bennett was able to finally buy, from a Californian import shop, a crystal skull… with a detachable jaw, which he soon named “Compassion”. A new era in crystal skull research had therefore dawned, for a number of reasons.
Bennett is a retired fisherman from Alaska. He had earned the nickname “the crystal sailor”, as for years, he had been collecting an impressive array of crystals. In his hunt for crystals, in 2006, he stumbled upon a crystal skull, in an import store in Carmel, California. The skull had belonged to a close friend of the owners, who had brought it over from Africa. Upon his death his family liquidated the estate and asked the import store to sell the crystal skull for them.
Bennett relates how he “noticed a crystal skull in the back of this shop on a high shelf. I admired the extreme craftsmanship, saw the price and forgot about it. Like most people I didn’t have any reference for crystal skulls other than Halloween witches or Black Magic.” However, the skull did not let go of Joe, who had a series of vivid dreams about the skull, so much so that he dispatched his sister – who lived nearby – to make a series of photographs, which she sent to Joe. It was now only a matter of time before the skull would end up in Bennett’s care.
Compassion is human-sized and clear quartz, 5.5” tall, 5.5” wide and 8 inches long, weighing 11 pounds – very similar in dimensions to the Mitchell-Hedges skull. The mouth has 28 teeth. Little is known of the origins of the skull. It is known that the skull was in storage in the United States for five years prior to the shop putting it up for sale. Before, it had spent 22 years in a warehouse in Africa. The name of the people who owned it in Africa is not a matter of public record, but initial analyses of the skull have shown that the crystal is not from Brazil. Gerald Leandro De Souza argues that the “quartz probably is from Africa”. The likeliest source is Namibia, Africa, which is a well-known location where quartz crystal can be found.
Whereas the Mitchell-Hedges skull is “crystal clear”, Compassion is more like another crystal skull, known as MAX: Compassion is made out of three distinct layers (MAX has five such layers). The largest, frontal part is made of the clearest quartz crystal. Behind, roughly the top of the forehead, is a somewhat softer section of less-clear crystal. Behind is a final, third layer, separated from the others by a small fissure of iron oxide, which one can only truly see from the back of the skull.
The possibility that the material inside the fissure is iron oxide was first suggested by crystal carver James Ziegler, who added that the material at the bottom of the fissure was feldspar. This conclusion was confirmed when Bennett had the skull examined by Dr. Ray Corbett, Associate Curator of Archaeology at the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara and Geologist Dr. John Minch on March 30, 2010. It was Minch who confirmed that the fissure was filled with iron oxide.
These experts furthermore accepted that the grounding of the crystal had occurred by hand, and not by machine. One area of the skull show pie-shaped areas, which a carver would keep, but a grinding wheel would smooth out. There are other aspects of the skull, especially to do with a lack of symmetry between the right and left side, which show that the work was carried out by human hands. Corbett and Minch also identified that the natural growth of the crystal is for the skull to be placed with the teeth pointing up. This means that the iron oxide layer was at the bottom of the then axis of the crystal, with the layer of the face being the clearest and the top one. The carver would have to carve against the grain of the skull and skip over these fractures, a task which crystal carvers say is extremely hard to do – surpassing their expertise.
When one runs a fingernail along the top of the skull, one can feel the fractures between the layers. Dr. Minch said that whoever made this skull, would have to do so very slowly, for if the quartz were to get hot, it would shatter – thus underlining that the usage of tools in the making of this skull was unlikely.
During testing, Dr. Minch also noted there was an “air bubble” inside the skull. When the skull is rocked, the bubble moves over half the thickness (about 1mm) up and down in a solution which he believes is water, which somehow made its way into the skull and trapped the air bubble inside. Bennett has speculated whether this air bubble should be interpreted as a representation of the pineal gland, a part of the brain that is often referred to as the “third eye”, and which is therefore heavily imbued with esoteric meaning. René Descartes even labelled it the seat of the soul, echoing a belief that goes back thousands of years.
Minch also found golden rutile in both skull and jaw. Rutile is a major ore of titanium, and is found as microscopic inclusions in quartz and other precious gemstones. It is responsible for many of the light effects that one sees within these objects.
Scientists have a hard time admitting that the detachable jaw of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull is made from crystal (it is), and is from the same crystal as the rest of the skull (it is). But no such doubt can arise in the case of Compassion: its right cheek has a foil in the crystal that runs from the right cheek into jaw, and hence clearly shows that both the main part of the skull and the jaw are from the same crystal.
It will be interesting to see what sceptics are now going to do. In the case of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, they tried to debate the jaw away, as the creation of such a jaw has never been accomplished by modern crystal workers. But Compassion will not look compassionately upon these sceptics, who will have to come up with stronger arguments, if they want to persist in continuing the same old controversies in trying to explain away what is one of the most interesting recent discoveries.
However impressive Compassion is, its face is not symmetrical. With its detachable jaw placed underneath the skull’s teeth, Compassion looks and is symmetrical, but remove the jaw, and it becomes clear that the skull is off-centre: the teeth are slanted to the right. The only place where polishing marks are evident to the human eye is under the maxilla. This area was not finely polished, maybe to illustrate it was hand carved. The rest of the skull does not show any of these marks. Indeed, Compassion brings us to an interesting conclusion: the skull is clearly made by human hands, but whomever made it, had an expertise in working with quartz crystal, which exceeds that of anyone alive today. In short, there is an entire lost science of working with quartz crystal. But where did it come from, and where did it go?
Finally, when we stare into its eyes, it is clear that both are not identical: the left eye is far clearer than the right. It was in fact while Bennett and his wife stared into the skull’s eyes, that they felt “it” looked sad. His wife said she “showed compassion in her gaze” and a name was born. Both also felt that Compassion held a feminine energy.
Bennett has photographed the skull extensively. Some of the close-ups have revealed a number of interesting subliminal images that Compassion conjures up. When the skull was placed on a light-box, one such image that emerged was of an enigmatic head, while nearby, there was the outline of a horse’s head.
The key question is whether Compassion can ever be proven to be ancient. As mentioned, the likes of Jane Walsh from the Smithsonian have gone out of their way – abandoning the scientific process altogether – to argue come what may that all skulls are of modern origin. Their scientific bias was apparent during the testing of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull in 2008, when one member of the team straightforwardly proclaimed that the detachable jaw clearly was and could only be glass. When it was found out not to be glass soon afterwards, he exclaimed somewhat reservedly “this did not mean it was crystal” – even though previous testing by Hewlett-Packard had clearly shown that the jaw was indeed crystal!
The problem is that crystal is impossible to date, so any dating needs to happen through other, secondary means. Evidence of tools, especially the wheel, has been put forward as the key indicator as to whether a skull is ancient (read: pre-Columbian) or modern. However much this argument is flawed, it cannot apply to a skull that comes from Africa – Africa was never an isolated continent, witnessing the origins of Mankind several tens of thousands of years ago. The argument only works if we see crystal skulls as a purely American phenomenon, whereby the wheel is assumed to have been introduced with the arrival of Western Europeans.
Of course, the skull’s presence in Africa for a number of decades does not mean it was always there. Equally, the origins of civilisation in Central America itself remains enigmatic. The Olmec civilisation dates back to at least 1200 BC, and some have argued for an African origin to this civilisation. In 1972, Dr. A. Wiercinski argued that some of the Olmecs were of African origin, supporting his claim with skeletal evidence from several Olmec sites. According to Clyde Winters, the Olmecs were from the Mandinka region of West Africa (north of Namibia). Their language is known as Mende, the script which was actually found on monuments at Monte Alban in Mexico. Interestingly, it is at Monte Alban that evidence has been found that the Mayans were definitely familiar with crystal artefacts.
Still, the quartz crystal itself having Namibia as its likeliest origin means that the skull itself must have had an African connection, wherever it was carved or used. And whereas there are Mayan legends of how skulls with removable jaws could “sing and talk” during certain religious ceremonies that were performed in the many Mayan sanctuaries, the question is which African cultures held crystal skulls dear.
Little is known about Compassion and seeing its existence is only known about for a year, most discoveries about it are still to come. If we were to assume that it is indeed of African origins, then we are confronted with crystal skulls on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, bearing great similarities. Are they evidence of pre-Columbian contact between the two continents, in which case the Olmecs are the likeliest candidate, or should we look at much older origins, including the fabled lost civilisation of Atlantis?
Those who have communicated with the skulls – in trance, meditation or otherwise – keep referring to an Atlantean connection. During a crystal skull conference in September 2009 – one of the first public airings of Compassion – Mayan elder Hunbatz Men was one of the speakers and he became intrigued by Compassion. Studying the skull closely, he exclaimed “Atlantis!” He added that there was a matrix in the back of the skull which showed an ancient map which he did not understand. Several months later, Bennett realised that the iron oxide layer in the skull largely resembles a map of the African continent. Coincidence, or not?
Another psychic who has worked with Compassion is Carole Wilson/Davis. Wilson originally worked with the Mitchell-Hedges skull, resulting in “The Skull Speaks”, published in 1985 and one of the first books to appear on crystal skulls altogether. For Wilson, the iron oxide came in the shape of a phoenix, spreading its wings, with a head and a beak in the centre. She added that the information from Compassion changed, whereas that of the Mitchell-Hedges was stable – “the same information every day.”
Within Mayan creation mythology, there is a special role for skulls. Ancient temple complexes like Chichen Itza are three-dimensional renderings of the Mayan creation myth. Near the famous pyramid and ball court is an unimpressive “Platform of the Skull”. In the creation myth, when playing ball, the Twin Maize Gods disturbed the lords of Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. The Xibalbans summoned the Maize Gods to the underworld to answer for their disrespectful behaviour. There, they subjected them to a series of trials. When they failed these tests, they were killed and buried in the ball court of Xibalba. The eldest twin was decapitated, his head hung in the tree next to the ball court, as a warning to anyone who might repeat their offence. This was visualised on the Platform of the Skull. There is no archaeological evidence as to what type of skull hung there, but seeing it was a divine skull, which spoke and spat, a crystal skull with a detachable jaw would definitely have impressed all visitors – in a way any other type of skull would not have been able to accomplish!
Crystal balls are also used for scrying. Is it possible that Compassion was used for scrying? The various images that people have seen inside of her, would thus be parts of the scrying process. And extended staring in the skull might have placed the person in a trance. Users of Compassion are sometimes transported to another reality, for example by staring into its eyes – especially the left one.
In the 1980s, when the Central American crystal skulls came to prominence, various atrocious crimes were committed against the Mayan population there. In countries like Guatemala, an oppressive regime slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Mayan people. It took years before the news of this “Silent Holocaust” became known; throughout the genocide, Western governments supported the Guatemalan government. Only able to rely on themselves, the Mayan people began to organise themselves – becoming terrorists or freedom fighters, depending on your perspective – and they began to use key dates from the Mayan calendar for their campaigns, hoping to shake the Mayan people awake and embrace their true origins and common heritage – one that transcended the modern borders Western world powers had created. Sociologists have labelled it the “Mayan Renaissance”. Today, three decades later, the world is very much aware of the Mayan calendar – especially its key date, December 21, 2012 – and millions of people visit the various Mayan monuments of Central America.
The 2010 World Cup in South Africa was seen as a joyous event for Africa, showing that Africa is not just a country of civil war and hunger. There is great joy in a continent that gave us the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, while Kenya is seen as the “cradle of Mankind”, for the remains of the earliest hominids have been found in that country. Twenty years ago, American bestselling author Kathleen McGowan attended a crystal skull workshop lead by Susan McCune. McGowan was told that in the future, she would work with skulls from Africa and that several skulls would emerge from that continent. When she saw Compassion in July 2010, McGowan remembered McCune’s prophecy. And if McCune is right, Compassion is but the first in a series of African skulls that will make their existence known the world. And with their emergence, will there be a renewed appreciation for the African continent?
At this moment in time, Compassion’s existence has already changed the entire crystal skull debate, showing that the Mitchell-Hedges skull is not unique in its complexity, and that Central America is unlikely to be the only origin of crystal skulls. The question as to the origins of the crystal skulls has therefore been redefined: did various ancient cultures have them? Did an African civilisation bring them to the American continent? Or do we need to delve further back in time, to a lost civilisation, like Atlantis, from which these skulls originated? A new dawn in crystal skull research has just broken…
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” makes scant references to the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull. It stands out for it is by far the most complex, and the only skull with a detachable jaw, meaning that whomever made this, was a master artist in carving crystal – able to create a feat that modern carvers have been unable to accomplish. Gerald Leandro De Souza, a master skull carver from Brazil with 25 years of experience behind him, notes that “the process of cutting the jaw from a skull causes the jaw to break and is almost impossible for skull carvers to accomplish.”
Still, sceptics, principally led by Jane Walsh, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, try to argue that all these skulls are of modern fabrications. So far, none of the claims made by Walsh and co. have been substantiated, let alone supported by factual evidence. Specifically, Walsh tries to point the finger to Germany and the town of Idar-Oberstein, arguing most of these skulls were carved there by the resident artists. However, no records of skull carving have ever been found there; there are no records of any carver doing carving in the middle of the 19th century, when some of these skulls are said to have been made. In short, Walsh’s theories remain totally unsubstantiated – not very scientific!
On the other side of the debate are the likes of Nick Nocerino, one of the first crystal skull researchers, who travelled extensively throughout Central America, in search of them. He noted how on several occasions, Indian tribes offered skulls on sale to him, as with the money, the local shamans could buy precious Western medicine and like, to help their tribe at a time when the Mayan people were subjected to genocide. Nocerino always refused such offers, as he strongly believed the skulls were such an integral part of Mayan society, that these tribes needed their precious talisman. (Though he did everything to help the tribes in other ways.)
The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull too comes with a Central American origin. The family itself stated that Anna Mitchell-Hedges found the skull in the ruins of Lubaantuun on her 17th birthday in 1924. It is a story Anna adhered to until her death, though it was subjected to intense criticism from the sceptics. Indeed, a more likely story about how her father found the skull is told in his novel, “The White Tiger”, published in 1931. In it, he relates a largely autobiographical account of an Englishman who is initiated by a Mayan tribe, to become the principal caretaker of a most important treasure. When the Mayan priest shows him the treasure, the Englishman is led down into a series of tunnels, before the treasure is unveiled to him: “Before him, piled in endless confusion, lay the treasure of the Aztecs. Gold chalices, bowls, jars and other vessels of every size and shape; immense plaques and strange ornaments all glittered dully. Of precious stones there were none, but many rare chalchihuitl (jadeite pendants) [sic]. Masks of obsidian and shells beautifully inlaid were all heaped together with heads carved from solid blocks of crystal. Legend had not exaggerated the treasure of the Aztecs. Almost boundless wealth lay at the disposal of the White Tiger.”
“Heads carved from solid blocks of crystals”: a reference to crystal skulls made by Frederick “Mike” Mitchell-Hedges in 1931, more than a decade before he – according to the likes of Walsh – acquired a skull at auction at Sotheby’s in London in 1943.
Because it is the most complex, the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull is both the most famous and the most debated. It is unique. But today, the Mitchell-Hedges skull is no longer unique: on August 6, 2009, former Alaskan fisherman Joe Bennett was able to finally buy, from a Californian import shop, a crystal skull… with a detachable jaw, which he soon named “Compassion”. A new era in crystal skull research had therefore dawned, for a number of reasons.
Bennett is a retired fisherman from Alaska. He had earned the nickname “the crystal sailor”, as for years, he had been collecting an impressive array of crystals. In his hunt for crystals, in 2006, he stumbled upon a crystal skull, in an import store in Carmel, California. The skull had belonged to a close friend of the owners, who had brought it over from Africa. Upon his death his family liquidated the estate and asked the import store to sell the crystal skull for them.
Bennett relates how he “noticed a crystal skull in the back of this shop on a high shelf. I admired the extreme craftsmanship, saw the price and forgot about it. Like most people I didn’t have any reference for crystal skulls other than Halloween witches or Black Magic.” However, the skull did not let go of Joe, who had a series of vivid dreams about the skull, so much so that he dispatched his sister – who lived nearby – to make a series of photographs, which she sent to Joe. It was now only a matter of time before the skull would end up in Bennett’s care.
Compassion is human-sized and clear quartz, 5.5” tall, 5.5” wide and 8 inches long, weighing 11 pounds – very similar in dimensions to the Mitchell-Hedges skull. The mouth has 28 teeth. Little is known of the origins of the skull. It is known that the skull was in storage in the United States for five years prior to the shop putting it up for sale. Before, it had spent 22 years in a warehouse in Africa. The name of the people who owned it in Africa is not a matter of public record, but initial analyses of the skull have shown that the crystal is not from Brazil. Gerald Leandro De Souza argues that the “quartz probably is from Africa”. The likeliest source is Namibia, Africa, which is a well-known location where quartz crystal can be found.
Whereas the Mitchell-Hedges skull is “crystal clear”, Compassion is more like another crystal skull, known as MAX: Compassion is made out of three distinct layers (MAX has five such layers). The largest, frontal part is made of the clearest quartz crystal. Behind, roughly the top of the forehead, is a somewhat softer section of less-clear crystal. Behind is a final, third layer, separated from the others by a small fissure of iron oxide, which one can only truly see from the back of the skull.
The possibility that the material inside the fissure is iron oxide was first suggested by crystal carver James Ziegler, who added that the material at the bottom of the fissure was feldspar. This conclusion was confirmed when Bennett had the skull examined by Dr. Ray Corbett, Associate Curator of Archaeology at the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara and Geologist Dr. John Minch on March 30, 2010. It was Minch who confirmed that the fissure was filled with iron oxide.
These experts furthermore accepted that the grounding of the crystal had occurred by hand, and not by machine. One area of the skull show pie-shaped areas, which a carver would keep, but a grinding wheel would smooth out. There are other aspects of the skull, especially to do with a lack of symmetry between the right and left side, which show that the work was carried out by human hands. Corbett and Minch also identified that the natural growth of the crystal is for the skull to be placed with the teeth pointing up. This means that the iron oxide layer was at the bottom of the then axis of the crystal, with the layer of the face being the clearest and the top one. The carver would have to carve against the grain of the skull and skip over these fractures, a task which crystal carvers say is extremely hard to do – surpassing their expertise.
When one runs a fingernail along the top of the skull, one can feel the fractures between the layers. Dr. Minch said that whoever made this skull, would have to do so very slowly, for if the quartz were to get hot, it would shatter – thus underlining that the usage of tools in the making of this skull was unlikely.
During testing, Dr. Minch also noted there was an “air bubble” inside the skull. When the skull is rocked, the bubble moves over half the thickness (about 1mm) up and down in a solution which he believes is water, which somehow made its way into the skull and trapped the air bubble inside. Bennett has speculated whether this air bubble should be interpreted as a representation of the pineal gland, a part of the brain that is often referred to as the “third eye”, and which is therefore heavily imbued with esoteric meaning. René Descartes even labelled it the seat of the soul, echoing a belief that goes back thousands of years.
Minch also found golden rutile in both skull and jaw. Rutile is a major ore of titanium, and is found as microscopic inclusions in quartz and other precious gemstones. It is responsible for many of the light effects that one sees within these objects.
Scientists have a hard time admitting that the detachable jaw of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull is made from crystal (it is), and is from the same crystal as the rest of the skull (it is). But no such doubt can arise in the case of Compassion: its right cheek has a foil in the crystal that runs from the right cheek into jaw, and hence clearly shows that both the main part of the skull and the jaw are from the same crystal.
It will be interesting to see what sceptics are now going to do. In the case of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, they tried to debate the jaw away, as the creation of such a jaw has never been accomplished by modern crystal workers. But Compassion will not look compassionately upon these sceptics, who will have to come up with stronger arguments, if they want to persist in continuing the same old controversies in trying to explain away what is one of the most interesting recent discoveries.
However impressive Compassion is, its face is not symmetrical. With its detachable jaw placed underneath the skull’s teeth, Compassion looks and is symmetrical, but remove the jaw, and it becomes clear that the skull is off-centre: the teeth are slanted to the right. The only place where polishing marks are evident to the human eye is under the maxilla. This area was not finely polished, maybe to illustrate it was hand carved. The rest of the skull does not show any of these marks. Indeed, Compassion brings us to an interesting conclusion: the skull is clearly made by human hands, but whomever made it, had an expertise in working with quartz crystal, which exceeds that of anyone alive today. In short, there is an entire lost science of working with quartz crystal. But where did it come from, and where did it go?
Finally, when we stare into its eyes, it is clear that both are not identical: the left eye is far clearer than the right. It was in fact while Bennett and his wife stared into the skull’s eyes, that they felt “it” looked sad. His wife said she “showed compassion in her gaze” and a name was born. Both also felt that Compassion held a feminine energy.
Bennett has photographed the skull extensively. Some of the close-ups have revealed a number of interesting subliminal images that Compassion conjures up. When the skull was placed on a light-box, one such image that emerged was of an enigmatic head, while nearby, there was the outline of a horse’s head.
The key question is whether Compassion can ever be proven to be ancient. As mentioned, the likes of Jane Walsh from the Smithsonian have gone out of their way – abandoning the scientific process altogether – to argue come what may that all skulls are of modern origin. Their scientific bias was apparent during the testing of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull in 2008, when one member of the team straightforwardly proclaimed that the detachable jaw clearly was and could only be glass. When it was found out not to be glass soon afterwards, he exclaimed somewhat reservedly “this did not mean it was crystal” – even though previous testing by Hewlett-Packard had clearly shown that the jaw was indeed crystal!
The problem is that crystal is impossible to date, so any dating needs to happen through other, secondary means. Evidence of tools, especially the wheel, has been put forward as the key indicator as to whether a skull is ancient (read: pre-Columbian) or modern. However much this argument is flawed, it cannot apply to a skull that comes from Africa – Africa was never an isolated continent, witnessing the origins of Mankind several tens of thousands of years ago. The argument only works if we see crystal skulls as a purely American phenomenon, whereby the wheel is assumed to have been introduced with the arrival of Western Europeans.
Of course, the skull’s presence in Africa for a number of decades does not mean it was always there. Equally, the origins of civilisation in Central America itself remains enigmatic. The Olmec civilisation dates back to at least 1200 BC, and some have argued for an African origin to this civilisation. In 1972, Dr. A. Wiercinski argued that some of the Olmecs were of African origin, supporting his claim with skeletal evidence from several Olmec sites. According to Clyde Winters, the Olmecs were from the Mandinka region of West Africa (north of Namibia). Their language is known as Mende, the script which was actually found on monuments at Monte Alban in Mexico. Interestingly, it is at Monte Alban that evidence has been found that the Mayans were definitely familiar with crystal artefacts.
Still, the quartz crystal itself having Namibia as its likeliest origin means that the skull itself must have had an African connection, wherever it was carved or used. And whereas there are Mayan legends of how skulls with removable jaws could “sing and talk” during certain religious ceremonies that were performed in the many Mayan sanctuaries, the question is which African cultures held crystal skulls dear.
Little is known about Compassion and seeing its existence is only known about for a year, most discoveries about it are still to come. If we were to assume that it is indeed of African origins, then we are confronted with crystal skulls on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, bearing great similarities. Are they evidence of pre-Columbian contact between the two continents, in which case the Olmecs are the likeliest candidate, or should we look at much older origins, including the fabled lost civilisation of Atlantis?
Those who have communicated with the skulls – in trance, meditation or otherwise – keep referring to an Atlantean connection. During a crystal skull conference in September 2009 – one of the first public airings of Compassion – Mayan elder Hunbatz Men was one of the speakers and he became intrigued by Compassion. Studying the skull closely, he exclaimed “Atlantis!” He added that there was a matrix in the back of the skull which showed an ancient map which he did not understand. Several months later, Bennett realised that the iron oxide layer in the skull largely resembles a map of the African continent. Coincidence, or not?
Another psychic who has worked with Compassion is Carole Wilson/Davis. Wilson originally worked with the Mitchell-Hedges skull, resulting in “The Skull Speaks”, published in 1985 and one of the first books to appear on crystal skulls altogether. For Wilson, the iron oxide came in the shape of a phoenix, spreading its wings, with a head and a beak in the centre. She added that the information from Compassion changed, whereas that of the Mitchell-Hedges was stable – “the same information every day.”
Within Mayan creation mythology, there is a special role for skulls. Ancient temple complexes like Chichen Itza are three-dimensional renderings of the Mayan creation myth. Near the famous pyramid and ball court is an unimpressive “Platform of the Skull”. In the creation myth, when playing ball, the Twin Maize Gods disturbed the lords of Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. The Xibalbans summoned the Maize Gods to the underworld to answer for their disrespectful behaviour. There, they subjected them to a series of trials. When they failed these tests, they were killed and buried in the ball court of Xibalba. The eldest twin was decapitated, his head hung in the tree next to the ball court, as a warning to anyone who might repeat their offence. This was visualised on the Platform of the Skull. There is no archaeological evidence as to what type of skull hung there, but seeing it was a divine skull, which spoke and spat, a crystal skull with a detachable jaw would definitely have impressed all visitors – in a way any other type of skull would not have been able to accomplish!
Crystal balls are also used for scrying. Is it possible that Compassion was used for scrying? The various images that people have seen inside of her, would thus be parts of the scrying process. And extended staring in the skull might have placed the person in a trance. Users of Compassion are sometimes transported to another reality, for example by staring into its eyes – especially the left one.
In the 1980s, when the Central American crystal skulls came to prominence, various atrocious crimes were committed against the Mayan population there. In countries like Guatemala, an oppressive regime slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Mayan people. It took years before the news of this “Silent Holocaust” became known; throughout the genocide, Western governments supported the Guatemalan government. Only able to rely on themselves, the Mayan people began to organise themselves – becoming terrorists or freedom fighters, depending on your perspective – and they began to use key dates from the Mayan calendar for their campaigns, hoping to shake the Mayan people awake and embrace their true origins and common heritage – one that transcended the modern borders Western world powers had created. Sociologists have labelled it the “Mayan Renaissance”. Today, three decades later, the world is very much aware of the Mayan calendar – especially its key date, December 21, 2012 – and millions of people visit the various Mayan monuments of Central America.
The 2010 World Cup in South Africa was seen as a joyous event for Africa, showing that Africa is not just a country of civil war and hunger. There is great joy in a continent that gave us the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, while Kenya is seen as the “cradle of Mankind”, for the remains of the earliest hominids have been found in that country. Twenty years ago, American bestselling author Kathleen McGowan attended a crystal skull workshop lead by Susan McCune. McGowan was told that in the future, she would work with skulls from Africa and that several skulls would emerge from that continent. When she saw Compassion in July 2010, McGowan remembered McCune’s prophecy. And if McCune is right, Compassion is but the first in a series of African skulls that will make their existence known the world. And with their emergence, will there be a renewed appreciation for the African continent?
At this moment in time, Compassion’s existence has already changed the entire crystal skull debate, showing that the Mitchell-Hedges skull is not unique in its complexity, and that Central America is unlikely to be the only origin of crystal skulls. The question as to the origins of the crystal skulls has therefore been redefined: did various ancient cultures have them? Did an African civilisation bring them to the American continent? Or do we need to delve further back in time, to a lost civilisation, like Atlantis, from which these skulls originated? A new dawn in crystal skull research has just broken…
Monday, November 15, 2010
Alleged Alien Abductee Creates Picture Book of Experiences
Knowelty - A woman who says she has been abducted by extra-terrestrials on numerous occasions has put together a picture book about her experiences entitled, “The Art of Close Encounters.”
The book contains 150 drawings and illustrations that portray the alleged close encounters of her and other people who say they have been visited or abducted by aliens. The drawings show scenes such as a depiction of a room where humans were forced to submit to bodily examinations, and a room full of glass enclosures full of human-alien hybrids.
Besides drawings, there are accounts of alien abduction cases from the individuals themselves. In one such confession, the person describes being inside a room along with her boyfriend and being frightened and paralyzed while watching the beings do experiments on other humans.
Others in the book claim they have been part of programs to produce half-human, half-alien children. One woman said she had given birth to several such children, insisting her 13-year old daughter was one of them.
The author herself describes an encounter of her own abduction. She explains how she was walking along a beach and saw a large round craft moving in the sky. The next thing she recalls was waking up strapped to a table where aliens were doing “horrific” things to her.
The author says the book was done because countless other people had contacted her regarding their own experiences with alien abductions. The contributors tell tales that range from mere awe and fascination to painful and embarrassing examinations. These stories are brought to life through drawings created by forensic artists such as those who draw pictures of police suspects.
Whatever you believe, the book is a fantastic journey into the life and alleged experiences of ordinary folks who say they have had a close encounter with an extra-terrestrial and returned to tell the tale.
The book contains 150 drawings and illustrations that portray the alleged close encounters of her and other people who say they have been visited or abducted by aliens. The drawings show scenes such as a depiction of a room where humans were forced to submit to bodily examinations, and a room full of glass enclosures full of human-alien hybrids.
Besides drawings, there are accounts of alien abduction cases from the individuals themselves. In one such confession, the person describes being inside a room along with her boyfriend and being frightened and paralyzed while watching the beings do experiments on other humans.
Others in the book claim they have been part of programs to produce half-human, half-alien children. One woman said she had given birth to several such children, insisting her 13-year old daughter was one of them.
The author herself describes an encounter of her own abduction. She explains how she was walking along a beach and saw a large round craft moving in the sky. The next thing she recalls was waking up strapped to a table where aliens were doing “horrific” things to her.
The author says the book was done because countless other people had contacted her regarding their own experiences with alien abductions. The contributors tell tales that range from mere awe and fascination to painful and embarrassing examinations. These stories are brought to life through drawings created by forensic artists such as those who draw pictures of police suspects.
Whatever you believe, the book is a fantastic journey into the life and alleged experiences of ordinary folks who say they have had a close encounter with an extra-terrestrial and returned to tell the tale.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Reptilian Encounter in the Nevada Desert
UFO Digest - Henderson, Nevada: The city of Las Vegas and well-known Las Vegas Strip with is their glittering casinos, as well as the communities of North Las Vegas and Henderson, fill this crowded desert Nevada valley.
Black Mountain looms over the desert community of Henderson, situated on the east slopes of the valley. That dark mountain is the home of many television towers and other towers on the top. It is the home of mines and caves that pock the sides of Black Mountain.
Today, there are businesses and homes, and a freeway that cut into the slopes of that mountain, but in the middle of the 1970’s just open desert from the middle of town to the mountain. More open undisturbed miles of desert until sparkling Las Vegas. With the building boom, homes and businesses crowd the once open desert.
In 1977, every kid in town knew the rules - do not climb or play on that mountain. All parents understood of the constant danger of the deep open mines and caves, but danger lures the younger set, and several deaths occurred on the slopes of BlackMountain.
It was on a pleasant day, and my thirteen-year-old son Marc and his friend Harry, roamed in the empty desert between my house, and the forbidden BlackMountain . Being adventurous boys, the chance to explore a cave and carry back a rock or two, and a lifetime of memories is enough to break the rules.
They hiked maybe the scant one mile across the desert and climbed the little hills in front of Black Mountain. On the backside of one of the little hills, Marc and Harry located a cave. They had to squirm into the narrow opening, and belly crawl through the cave to the larger room and turned on their small pocket flashlights. They saw a circular room roughly nine feet across. Near the back wall, they spotted a large deeper hole. They found several large branches that someone had dragged a couple large branches about a mile from closest tree, and tossed the branches into the hole creating a makeshift ladder to climb down into the lower pit.
The pit was roomy, with a short annex. Occasional debris littered the rocky floor, like a tin can or two, a battered teen magazine perched on a small outcrop of rock that served as shelf. The boys explored to main cave, then turned their attention to theshort tunnel or annex.
Sounds carry in a cave, and the walls slightly vibrate if a loud voice reverberates throughout the small room. It was then, that the boys heard the sounds of a voices and maybe the distance humming of machines. Intrigued by the thought of they were mining nearby, the boys went a deeper into the tunnel. On the far end, they found a rusty metal door, and near the door a strange metal rod. The one-foot rod was lightweight and resembled aluminum, with a cap on one end and a few strange engravings on one side.
Marc weaved the rod through the belt loops of his jeans, focused the beam of his flashlight on the door, and tried the doorknob. He discovered a strong bolt secured the door from the reverse side. Harry shook the doorknob and pounded on it a few times. Startled, the boys heard the sound or guttural harsh voices talking, and the certain sound of approaching footsteps.
They suddenly felt a wave of fear, knowing they were inside a forbidden cave, weaponless, and an angry animalistic growling voice attempted to open to the door any second.
Marc, the taller of the two, pushed Harry up the makeshift ladder and scrambled up the wood branch to the upper level of the cave. They heard the metal door clank and squeak loudly as the door it opened. The boys crawled as quickly through the narrow tunnel, and outside, the stood up and ran about thedistance of a city block away from the cave entrance. They laughed at their dirty hands and faces, relieved the escaped from and the unknown man with harsh voices in the cave. They looked at the strangely engraved rod, trying to figure out what language might include circles, ovals, swirls and triangles.
Without a warning, they heard a loud threatening growl. Harry and Marc looked back at the cave entrance and to their horrified eyes; they watched as a very large greenish humanoid struggled to force his big body out of narrow cave. The boys screamed and started running down the slope of the hill, running top speed! They didn’t look back until they were near my back yard. They slowed down, breathing hard and glanced back to themountain.
To their shock and fear, the huge humanoid was trotting towards them! They started screaming again put on a burst of speed and ran into the house; Marc locked the door screaming:
“MOM! MOM! Help us Mom! He's going to get us!”
Alarmed, I ran into family room, and both boys threw their arms around me, crying. They both were shaking, not just their hands, but also their entire body shook! Wet tears left muddy tracks across their cheeks. Marc begged, “Don’t open the door Mom, he going to get us!”
Meanwhile, Harry added, “He is big, and looks mean! Don’t open that door – please, please, don’t open that door!”
Instantly I was furious with the man that generated such terror these young boys! At thirteen, boys are usually trying to impress everyone how brave they can be, so I know it took a lot of nerve to admit that much fear.
I told them:
“Boys, you go get a drink of water and let me go talk to this man,”
but they tightened their grip on me, screaming:
“NO, NO, NO! That guy will kill you! He is not a man! Don’t go out there Mom!”
I managed to coax one arm free from each boy.
I looked into their worried eyes.
“Boys - nobody is going to kill anybody, and you know I won’t allow anyone hurt you! Now - what do you mean he is not a man? It’s a woman that is threatening you?”
“No Mom, it’s a man, sort of, he looks like a man, but his face looks like a snake or YEAH, like a Lizardman!
He’s ugly and he doesn’t wear anything. He’s naked, except a wide belt with stuff on it.”
I stared at my son, imagining some teenager wearing a Halloween costume. I laughed a little, and said, “Boys, it was just someone playing a joke on you!”
Both boys started protesting again, both talking at the same time. I could hear the panic in their voices rising again, and finally Harry said, “That guy couldn’t be wear any costume, he could barely squeeze himself out of the cave, he would have ripped he costume into pieces!”
“What cave? Did you go boys up on Black Mountain even when you knew the danger?” I asked.
“Mom – listen to me, it was a lizardman and he was naked. I’ve never seen a costume that shows EVERYTHING, he was naked Mom, and it was NOT a costume! You know what I mean Mom?”
With difficulty, I untangled myself from the tight grip boys, and looked out the window. I peered carefully out the widow expecting the spectacle of a "Lizardman," but nothing moved, not a child, not a man and no Lizardman.
I reassured the boys the danger is in the past and the man was long gone.
It was at that point, I noticed Marc was holding a strange metal rod. “What do you have in your hand son?” Marc glanced at the rod and threw it on the floor as if it would burn his hand. I leaned to pick it up but Harry grabbed my arm, warning it was dangerous, maybe a weapon. I picked it up reminding them they carried it from themountain safely all that time, so it couldn’t be too dangerous.
The rod was approximate one and a half inch across, maybe a foot long with a slight indentation at one end and a plain gray cap on the other. I looked at the bizarre symbols engraved in a three-inch section of the rod. It was just symbols, from spirals, circles of different sizes, a few triangles, and a few unknown symbols. There were no levers or buttons, and the cap at the end didn’t seem to move. The rod, with its professionally created symbols and smooth to the touch, I knew it was not a toy, but nothing I recognized.
It was late afternoon, and the long shadows cast ominous shapes in the yard, I knew Harry was still too nervous to walk home alone. Marc and I walked the distance of two houses and made sure he was safe inside before we walked home.
That night, Marc was still nervous, peeking out the curtains often, expecting the worse. Marc played Scrabble with his sisters, anything to keep his mind busy. Near midnight, we went to bed.
It must have been around two in the morning when Marc shook me whispering harshly that someone is trying to get into his bedroom window. I hoped it was just a nightmare, or his nerves were still on edge. Quietly we slipped into his bedroom and listened to the sounds of scraping at the window edge! He was not mistaken – in the light of the moon I could make out the silhouette head and shoulders of a man.
I was alone with my four kids, no husband to protect us, so I grabbed my flashlight; suddenly tossed the curtains open to face the man. There was a glare from the flashlight on the window, but past glare that I could clearly see a large head with ridges on the top, other ridges on his cheekbones, and the glow of golden eyes. Marc and I stood still, unmoving, both fear and shock kept us frozen. The Lizardman didn’t move either, his hand still poised in his attempt pry the window open. He hand was large, with webbed rough, gnarly looking fingers, with powerful claws.
After a couple minutes, not seconds, but long agonized minutes with our hearts pounding I knew I had to do something. One hand still holding the flashlight beam on his face and my eyes still locked into those golden eyes, I fumbled around in the dark with my other hand, hoping to find something to use as a weapon, is needed. He glanced at my hand, looked back into my eyes. He turned his head a little, as if he was asking a questioning, he slightly opened his lipless lips, displaying four of his pointed teeth, and suddenly he turned and ran off into the desert.
Marc suddenly closed the curtains, grabbed my hand and led my shaking legs to the edge of his bed. We sat there for a few silent minutes. We just sat there, trying to comprehend the incredible event, with little success. We started talking at the same time, and started checking the doors and windows repeatedly. His sisters were completely awake by then, and we all talked all night, going from windows to doors until full sunlight.
Later in the morning, we decided the reason the Lizardman was breaking in the house was to reclaim that metal rod. Marc and I hiked back to the cave and placed the strange rod beside the cave entrance.
The Lizardman never again attempted to enter this house, and for that, I am relieved.
After a few days, I went outside and looked at that window. It was then that I found that that bottom edge of that window is close to six feet high from the ground. It was a shock to realize the lizardman must have been very tall, over seven feet tall! Inside the windows are high, but about five feet high, from outside there is no way no one could look through this window – unless they were extremely tall.
This event is real. “Harry” is not the real name, but since I have been unable to locate him and ask permission, I used a pseudo name. Marc’s name is real, and he was my only son. Marc died in 1999. I still live in sight of Black Mountain. People living close to that mountain sometimes report underground rumbling at night when it is quiet. UFOs are often seen and photographed over Black Mountain, that shouldn’t be too surprising; we live not far from Area 51 in Nevada.
Black Mountain looms over the desert community of Henderson, situated on the east slopes of the valley. That dark mountain is the home of many television towers and other towers on the top. It is the home of mines and caves that pock the sides of Black Mountain.
Today, there are businesses and homes, and a freeway that cut into the slopes of that mountain, but in the middle of the 1970’s just open desert from the middle of town to the mountain. More open undisturbed miles of desert until sparkling Las Vegas. With the building boom, homes and businesses crowd the once open desert.
In 1977, every kid in town knew the rules - do not climb or play on that mountain. All parents understood of the constant danger of the deep open mines and caves, but danger lures the younger set, and several deaths occurred on the slopes of BlackMountain.
It was on a pleasant day, and my thirteen-year-old son Marc and his friend Harry, roamed in the empty desert between my house, and the forbidden BlackMountain . Being adventurous boys, the chance to explore a cave and carry back a rock or two, and a lifetime of memories is enough to break the rules.
They hiked maybe the scant one mile across the desert and climbed the little hills in front of Black Mountain. On the backside of one of the little hills, Marc and Harry located a cave. They had to squirm into the narrow opening, and belly crawl through the cave to the larger room and turned on their small pocket flashlights. They saw a circular room roughly nine feet across. Near the back wall, they spotted a large deeper hole. They found several large branches that someone had dragged a couple large branches about a mile from closest tree, and tossed the branches into the hole creating a makeshift ladder to climb down into the lower pit.
The pit was roomy, with a short annex. Occasional debris littered the rocky floor, like a tin can or two, a battered teen magazine perched on a small outcrop of rock that served as shelf. The boys explored to main cave, then turned their attention to theshort tunnel or annex.
Sounds carry in a cave, and the walls slightly vibrate if a loud voice reverberates throughout the small room. It was then, that the boys heard the sounds of a voices and maybe the distance humming of machines. Intrigued by the thought of they were mining nearby, the boys went a deeper into the tunnel. On the far end, they found a rusty metal door, and near the door a strange metal rod. The one-foot rod was lightweight and resembled aluminum, with a cap on one end and a few strange engravings on one side.
Marc weaved the rod through the belt loops of his jeans, focused the beam of his flashlight on the door, and tried the doorknob. He discovered a strong bolt secured the door from the reverse side. Harry shook the doorknob and pounded on it a few times. Startled, the boys heard the sound or guttural harsh voices talking, and the certain sound of approaching footsteps.
They suddenly felt a wave of fear, knowing they were inside a forbidden cave, weaponless, and an angry animalistic growling voice attempted to open to the door any second.
Marc, the taller of the two, pushed Harry up the makeshift ladder and scrambled up the wood branch to the upper level of the cave. They heard the metal door clank and squeak loudly as the door it opened. The boys crawled as quickly through the narrow tunnel, and outside, the stood up and ran about thedistance of a city block away from the cave entrance. They laughed at their dirty hands and faces, relieved the escaped from and the unknown man with harsh voices in the cave. They looked at the strangely engraved rod, trying to figure out what language might include circles, ovals, swirls and triangles.
Without a warning, they heard a loud threatening growl. Harry and Marc looked back at the cave entrance and to their horrified eyes; they watched as a very large greenish humanoid struggled to force his big body out of narrow cave. The boys screamed and started running down the slope of the hill, running top speed! They didn’t look back until they were near my back yard. They slowed down, breathing hard and glanced back to themountain.
To their shock and fear, the huge humanoid was trotting towards them! They started screaming again put on a burst of speed and ran into the house; Marc locked the door screaming:
“MOM! MOM! Help us Mom! He's going to get us!”
Alarmed, I ran into family room, and both boys threw their arms around me, crying. They both were shaking, not just their hands, but also their entire body shook! Wet tears left muddy tracks across their cheeks. Marc begged, “Don’t open the door Mom, he going to get us!”
Meanwhile, Harry added, “He is big, and looks mean! Don’t open that door – please, please, don’t open that door!”
Instantly I was furious with the man that generated such terror these young boys! At thirteen, boys are usually trying to impress everyone how brave they can be, so I know it took a lot of nerve to admit that much fear.
I told them:
“Boys, you go get a drink of water and let me go talk to this man,”
but they tightened their grip on me, screaming:
“NO, NO, NO! That guy will kill you! He is not a man! Don’t go out there Mom!”
I managed to coax one arm free from each boy.
I looked into their worried eyes.
“Boys - nobody is going to kill anybody, and you know I won’t allow anyone hurt you! Now - what do you mean he is not a man? It’s a woman that is threatening you?”
“No Mom, it’s a man, sort of, he looks like a man, but his face looks like a snake or YEAH, like a Lizardman!
He’s ugly and he doesn’t wear anything. He’s naked, except a wide belt with stuff on it.”
I stared at my son, imagining some teenager wearing a Halloween costume. I laughed a little, and said, “Boys, it was just someone playing a joke on you!”
Both boys started protesting again, both talking at the same time. I could hear the panic in their voices rising again, and finally Harry said, “That guy couldn’t be wear any costume, he could barely squeeze himself out of the cave, he would have ripped he costume into pieces!”
“What cave? Did you go boys up on Black Mountain even when you knew the danger?” I asked.
“Mom – listen to me, it was a lizardman and he was naked. I’ve never seen a costume that shows EVERYTHING, he was naked Mom, and it was NOT a costume! You know what I mean Mom?”
With difficulty, I untangled myself from the tight grip boys, and looked out the window. I peered carefully out the widow expecting the spectacle of a "Lizardman," but nothing moved, not a child, not a man and no Lizardman.
I reassured the boys the danger is in the past and the man was long gone.
It was at that point, I noticed Marc was holding a strange metal rod. “What do you have in your hand son?” Marc glanced at the rod and threw it on the floor as if it would burn his hand. I leaned to pick it up but Harry grabbed my arm, warning it was dangerous, maybe a weapon. I picked it up reminding them they carried it from themountain safely all that time, so it couldn’t be too dangerous.
The rod was approximate one and a half inch across, maybe a foot long with a slight indentation at one end and a plain gray cap on the other. I looked at the bizarre symbols engraved in a three-inch section of the rod. It was just symbols, from spirals, circles of different sizes, a few triangles, and a few unknown symbols. There were no levers or buttons, and the cap at the end didn’t seem to move. The rod, with its professionally created symbols and smooth to the touch, I knew it was not a toy, but nothing I recognized.
It was late afternoon, and the long shadows cast ominous shapes in the yard, I knew Harry was still too nervous to walk home alone. Marc and I walked the distance of two houses and made sure he was safe inside before we walked home.
That night, Marc was still nervous, peeking out the curtains often, expecting the worse. Marc played Scrabble with his sisters, anything to keep his mind busy. Near midnight, we went to bed.
It must have been around two in the morning when Marc shook me whispering harshly that someone is trying to get into his bedroom window. I hoped it was just a nightmare, or his nerves were still on edge. Quietly we slipped into his bedroom and listened to the sounds of scraping at the window edge! He was not mistaken – in the light of the moon I could make out the silhouette head and shoulders of a man.
I was alone with my four kids, no husband to protect us, so I grabbed my flashlight; suddenly tossed the curtains open to face the man. There was a glare from the flashlight on the window, but past glare that I could clearly see a large head with ridges on the top, other ridges on his cheekbones, and the glow of golden eyes. Marc and I stood still, unmoving, both fear and shock kept us frozen. The Lizardman didn’t move either, his hand still poised in his attempt pry the window open. He hand was large, with webbed rough, gnarly looking fingers, with powerful claws.
After a couple minutes, not seconds, but long agonized minutes with our hearts pounding I knew I had to do something. One hand still holding the flashlight beam on his face and my eyes still locked into those golden eyes, I fumbled around in the dark with my other hand, hoping to find something to use as a weapon, is needed. He glanced at my hand, looked back into my eyes. He turned his head a little, as if he was asking a questioning, he slightly opened his lipless lips, displaying four of his pointed teeth, and suddenly he turned and ran off into the desert.
Marc suddenly closed the curtains, grabbed my hand and led my shaking legs to the edge of his bed. We sat there for a few silent minutes. We just sat there, trying to comprehend the incredible event, with little success. We started talking at the same time, and started checking the doors and windows repeatedly. His sisters were completely awake by then, and we all talked all night, going from windows to doors until full sunlight.
Later in the morning, we decided the reason the Lizardman was breaking in the house was to reclaim that metal rod. Marc and I hiked back to the cave and placed the strange rod beside the cave entrance.
The Lizardman never again attempted to enter this house, and for that, I am relieved.
After a few days, I went outside and looked at that window. It was then that I found that that bottom edge of that window is close to six feet high from the ground. It was a shock to realize the lizardman must have been very tall, over seven feet tall! Inside the windows are high, but about five feet high, from outside there is no way no one could look through this window – unless they were extremely tall.
This event is real. “Harry” is not the real name, but since I have been unable to locate him and ask permission, I used a pseudo name. Marc’s name is real, and he was my only son. Marc died in 1999. I still live in sight of Black Mountain. People living close to that mountain sometimes report underground rumbling at night when it is quiet. UFOs are often seen and photographed over Black Mountain, that shouldn’t be too surprising; we live not far from Area 51 in Nevada.
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Inside Cave Black Mountain |
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Clear Boomerang Shape UFO Video From Turkey
An incredibly clearly filmed boomerang shaped UFO was captured on video camera over Turkish skies during the still darkness of the evening. The Object itself is quite large with a boomerang shape with several lights outlining it's underside. While this UFO is being followed with the camera a man and a woman can be heard speaking over the video obviously discussion what they are seeing. Also several times during the two minute and three second clip the camera zooms in and out displaying the objects position over the city skyline.
Archeology Team Digs for UFO Evidence in New Mexico
Knowelty - Every UFO true believer has their own theory about the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. This month an archeology team from the University of New Mexico is using modern technology to find solid evidence to prove what really happened.
“We engaged in a highly credible standard archeological investigation of a piece of landscape that has been warranted to be the location of a flying-saucer event,” said Dick Chapman, director of UNM’s Office of Contract Archeology.
Sponsored by the Sci-Fi Channel, his team has so far spent $26,000 digging up a nine acre area of ground northwest of Roswell. Their bid to investigate the alleged Roswell UFO crash is being filmed by Sci-Fi for an upcoming documentary.
“The summed evidence from the hearsay-level knowledge really points to this [nine-acre sector] as being a recognized potential crash site (of) a UFO,” he added.
Chapman’s team and their efforts were met with criticism from other academics in the area, but that hasn’t dimmed their enthusiasm for the project. This isn’t the first time that the University of New Mexico has searched the area for evidence. In 2002, the same area was studied, but the results weren’t released until May of this year. The logic was that if a craft did crash there in 1947, knowing where is critical because it would be worthless to dig around in the wrong location.
The current dig location was not chosen by Chapman’s team, but by two UFO technical advisors to Sci-Fi Channel, Don Schmitt and Tom Carey. It was explained that UNM’s archeologists found a “gouge in the prairie” and the disturbed ground gave them the idea to begin their search in that location.
The excavation lasted two weeks and the team collected several bags of dirt and alleged artifacts, which was recovered and will be sent off for laboratory anaysis.
The truth may be out there, but time will tell whether this latest endeavor will prove its existence once and for all.
“We engaged in a highly credible standard archeological investigation of a piece of landscape that has been warranted to be the location of a flying-saucer event,” said Dick Chapman, director of UNM’s Office of Contract Archeology.
Sponsored by the Sci-Fi Channel, his team has so far spent $26,000 digging up a nine acre area of ground northwest of Roswell. Their bid to investigate the alleged Roswell UFO crash is being filmed by Sci-Fi for an upcoming documentary.
“The summed evidence from the hearsay-level knowledge really points to this [nine-acre sector] as being a recognized potential crash site (of) a UFO,” he added.
Chapman’s team and their efforts were met with criticism from other academics in the area, but that hasn’t dimmed their enthusiasm for the project. This isn’t the first time that the University of New Mexico has searched the area for evidence. In 2002, the same area was studied, but the results weren’t released until May of this year. The logic was that if a craft did crash there in 1947, knowing where is critical because it would be worthless to dig around in the wrong location.
The current dig location was not chosen by Chapman’s team, but by two UFO technical advisors to Sci-Fi Channel, Don Schmitt and Tom Carey. It was explained that UNM’s archeologists found a “gouge in the prairie” and the disturbed ground gave them the idea to begin their search in that location.
The excavation lasted two weeks and the team collected several bags of dirt and alleged artifacts, which was recovered and will be sent off for laboratory anaysis.
The truth may be out there, but time will tell whether this latest endeavor will prove its existence once and for all.
Chinese Farmer Impregnates Alien Seductress
Knowelty - A Chinese farmer from Heilongjiang reported that he and a seductive female extra terrestrial had a very close encounter of the intimate kind this week. Meng Zhaoguo says his alien lover told him their child will come back to visit him in 60 years.
Meng said he saw a “metallic shimmering” on the mountain and when he went to see what it was, he blacked out. When he woke up, the female alien came to visit him.
“She was 3 meters tall, and had 12 fingers and braided leg hair,” said Meng. “She wanted to make love to me, so we did it while levitating for 40 minutes.”
Meng’s alleged close encounter wasn’t taken seriously by either the general public or local UFO interest groups. Meng, however, insists it was true.
“I didn’t believe in aliens before I actually met them,” he said. “Seeing is believing.”
Chinese citizens have grown even more interested in UFOs since last month when the Xiaoshan Airport was shut down due to an alleged UFO sighting that made world headlines. The event caused the cancelation of several flights and affected more than 2,000 passengers.
UFOs were also sighted in September when the airport in Inner Mongolia’s Baotou city airport had to shut down for about an hour, according to a report by ABC news.
Chinese officials say that UFO sightings this year doubled from what they were in 2008, going from about 100 to 200 reports.
“More people are using cameras to photograph and film the strange things they see,” said one official.
A researcher from the Chinese Academy of Science added that he thought reports of UFO sightings in China were “more credible” because the aliens reported are “all different, with some that have big heads and eyes, some that looked human and others that conducted scientific experiments on people.”
Note: 12 fingers and braided leg hair.... I think I'd pass.
Meng said he saw a “metallic shimmering” on the mountain and when he went to see what it was, he blacked out. When he woke up, the female alien came to visit him.
“She was 3 meters tall, and had 12 fingers and braided leg hair,” said Meng. “She wanted to make love to me, so we did it while levitating for 40 minutes.”
Meng’s alleged close encounter wasn’t taken seriously by either the general public or local UFO interest groups. Meng, however, insists it was true.
“I didn’t believe in aliens before I actually met them,” he said. “Seeing is believing.”
Chinese citizens have grown even more interested in UFOs since last month when the Xiaoshan Airport was shut down due to an alleged UFO sighting that made world headlines. The event caused the cancelation of several flights and affected more than 2,000 passengers.
UFOs were also sighted in September when the airport in Inner Mongolia’s Baotou city airport had to shut down for about an hour, according to a report by ABC news.
Chinese officials say that UFO sightings this year doubled from what they were in 2008, going from about 100 to 200 reports.
“More people are using cameras to photograph and film the strange things they see,” said one official.
A researcher from the Chinese Academy of Science added that he thought reports of UFO sightings in China were “more credible” because the aliens reported are “all different, with some that have big heads and eyes, some that looked human and others that conducted scientific experiments on people.”
Note: 12 fingers and braided leg hair.... I think I'd pass.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Grim Reaper on the Patio - My paranormal experience happened when I was 16 years old. It was during the second week of July, 2007. My entire family and I were in a small village near Mexico City. We were there because my grandmother was very ill, connected to a machine for life support. She didn't have many days remaining.
One night, my female cousins and I were on the patio talking about our life stories. All the adults were already sleeping. Hours had passed and it was already around midnight. My cousins decided to go to bed, but the weird thing is that I didn't. I got this feeling that something or someone wanted me to stay behind.
There were black butterflies flying next to me. I didn't get scared. As I finally was about to go inside the house, I turned to the left and saw a full black figure. This figure was about ten feet away from me. It was tall and lean. It was wearing a black cape that covered its entire body.
It had its hands together like if it was praying, hunched over like a creature. I became frozen and I just stood there looking at it for a few seconds. I became unfrozen and turned my head quickly; when I looked back it was gone.
I believe it was the Grim Reaper. A week later my grandmother passed away. To this day, whenever I talk about it, I get chills and get very nervous because I know it was real. I haven't spoken about this experience to anyone. Not even to my cousins of that night. I've experienced other things here in the United States as well. I've heard noises and plates falling by themselves.
Actually, just a few days ago, I heard giggles coming from a female voice from my living room. Neither of the homes I've lived in have been haunted. It's me that can hear and see stuff that others can't.
One night, my female cousins and I were on the patio talking about our life stories. All the adults were already sleeping. Hours had passed and it was already around midnight. My cousins decided to go to bed, but the weird thing is that I didn't. I got this feeling that something or someone wanted me to stay behind.
There were black butterflies flying next to me. I didn't get scared. As I finally was about to go inside the house, I turned to the left and saw a full black figure. This figure was about ten feet away from me. It was tall and lean. It was wearing a black cape that covered its entire body.
It had its hands together like if it was praying, hunched over like a creature. I became frozen and I just stood there looking at it for a few seconds. I became unfrozen and turned my head quickly; when I looked back it was gone.
I believe it was the Grim Reaper. A week later my grandmother passed away. To this day, whenever I talk about it, I get chills and get very nervous because I know it was real. I haven't spoken about this experience to anyone. Not even to my cousins of that night. I've experienced other things here in the United States as well. I've heard noises and plates falling by themselves.
Actually, just a few days ago, I heard giggles coming from a female voice from my living room. Neither of the homes I've lived in have been haunted. It's me that can hear and see stuff that others can't.
Werewolf on the Shortcut - Before I start, let me just stress that before my encounter, I had no belief whatsoever in supernatural creatures, just as most people don't. It happened almost a month ago from today, actually in September.
My big brother and I were coming home from our grandma's place down the Milford Harrington Road. I think it had to be around 9 o'clock at night because I remember we were rushing home to catch a certain show that came on at 9:30. But because my brother forgot his wallet on my grandma's table, we had to go back to Harrington and get it. We decided we'd try for a shortcut, this street that went off from the main road and into the woods.
We were driving for about five minutes on this road until something shot from the woods and in front of our car. My brother hit the breaks, but we were 99.9% sure that he'd actually hit this animal, so we're both a bit panicked at this point.
I told him to drive, but he was curious as to what we hit. So, like always, we did what he wanted and got out of the car to see what it was that we thought we ran over... there was nothing. No blood. No dent. Nothing.
We looked all around the car, still finding no damage, then we saw it again. This time it stood in the middle of the road. Most people say they see glimpses or little hints that COULD be something. We saw it clearly.
This thing was standing on two feet. Hunched. Pointed ears, long arms and pointy nails. It had a very weird tail like a rat. I could tell it had fur. And its eyes were glowing from our headlights.
Needless to say, we got in our car as fast as possible. It didn't attack us. It simply stood there watching. Even as we drove away, we could still see it standing there in the distance.
In a small state like Delaware, you wouldn't expect to see much of anything and I haven't until that night. No one believes us, but that's okay -- two people seeing it is better than one.
We still talk about it every now and again. Every time, we remember something different that gives us a closer clue to what the creature might have been. For example, the night we saw the creature, it was a full moon.
My big brother and I were coming home from our grandma's place down the Milford Harrington Road. I think it had to be around 9 o'clock at night because I remember we were rushing home to catch a certain show that came on at 9:30. But because my brother forgot his wallet on my grandma's table, we had to go back to Harrington and get it. We decided we'd try for a shortcut, this street that went off from the main road and into the woods.
We were driving for about five minutes on this road until something shot from the woods and in front of our car. My brother hit the breaks, but we were 99.9% sure that he'd actually hit this animal, so we're both a bit panicked at this point.
I told him to drive, but he was curious as to what we hit. So, like always, we did what he wanted and got out of the car to see what it was that we thought we ran over... there was nothing. No blood. No dent. Nothing.
We looked all around the car, still finding no damage, then we saw it again. This time it stood in the middle of the road. Most people say they see glimpses or little hints that COULD be something. We saw it clearly.
This thing was standing on two feet. Hunched. Pointed ears, long arms and pointy nails. It had a very weird tail like a rat. I could tell it had fur. And its eyes were glowing from our headlights.
Needless to say, we got in our car as fast as possible. It didn't attack us. It simply stood there watching. Even as we drove away, we could still see it standing there in the distance.
In a small state like Delaware, you wouldn't expect to see much of anything and I haven't until that night. No one believes us, but that's okay -- two people seeing it is better than one.
We still talk about it every now and again. Every time, we remember something different that gives us a closer clue to what the creature might have been. For example, the night we saw the creature, it was a full moon.
Friday, November 5, 2010
UFO Landing Filmed by Ufologists in Ukraine, 2009
UFO-Blogger - The residents of the Ukrainian town of Senelnikovo in the Dnepropetrovsk region had been seeing strange objects in the sky for weeks and were at a loss as to explain what they were. Many were suspecting that they were UFOs controlled by aliens. Talk of a UFO landing base near the Black Sea had been going on for decades.
A town resident called on a team of Ufologists headed by Mr Vladislav Kanuka, a veteran Ufologist with decades of experience, for help.
The Ufologists arrived at the scene last month and waited with a video camera near the railway station, a spot where many had seen the UFOs from.The Ufologists struck gold and at least one UFO did not disappoint them. A very bright pink orb was seen and the Ufologist agreed it was following a controlled trajectory. They managed to capture the craft on film as it landed in nearby woods.
On realizing the object had landed they made a rush for the landing spot but midway the engines of all three cars they were travelling in conked out! When they managed to restart the engines the cars started sinking in mud. They were only able to reach the site in the morning and found no evidence of the landing.
Now the discs are seen by residents almost every day and once panicky residents are no longer scared: they have accepted that aliens use a spot near their town as a UFO landing base.Vladislav Kanuka remains thrilled by the success of the mission.
A town resident called on a team of Ufologists headed by Mr Vladislav Kanuka, a veteran Ufologist with decades of experience, for help.
The Ufologists arrived at the scene last month and waited with a video camera near the railway station, a spot where many had seen the UFOs from.The Ufologists struck gold and at least one UFO did not disappoint them. A very bright pink orb was seen and the Ufologist agreed it was following a controlled trajectory. They managed to capture the craft on film as it landed in nearby woods.
On realizing the object had landed they made a rush for the landing spot but midway the engines of all three cars they were travelling in conked out! When they managed to restart the engines the cars started sinking in mud. They were only able to reach the site in the morning and found no evidence of the landing.
Now the discs are seen by residents almost every day and once panicky residents are no longer scared: they have accepted that aliens use a spot near their town as a UFO landing base.Vladislav Kanuka remains thrilled by the success of the mission.
62 School Children See UFO Land in School Yard - On September 16th, 1994, teachers and school officials at the Ariel school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, were amazed when the school's students, aged approximately five to twelve years old, reported seeing that a strange flying object had landed on the school grounds during morning recess.
Dr. John Mack the former head of psychology at Harvard University investigated this issue. His specialty was in child psychology. He was a Pulitzer Prize winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.
The attached video is from his documentary entitled “Experiencers”. Dr. Mack is also famous for his documentary “Touched - Alien Abduction and the Extreme Experience Research of Dr. John Mack”. Dr. Mack passed away on September 27, 2004.
I find this video more credible than most as Dr. Mack with his professional qualifications would know if the children were lying or not. The attached video provides first hand testimony from the eye witnesses themselves, the children. Hear their touching and startling recount of this encounter. Please listen carefully to the description they give to the beings they seen that fateful day. The testimonies they give are highly believable.
Dr. John Mack the former head of psychology at Harvard University investigated this issue. His specialty was in child psychology. He was a Pulitzer Prize winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.
The attached video is from his documentary entitled “Experiencers”. Dr. Mack is also famous for his documentary “Touched - Alien Abduction and the Extreme Experience Research of Dr. John Mack”. Dr. Mack passed away on September 27, 2004.
I find this video more credible than most as Dr. Mack with his professional qualifications would know if the children were lying or not. The attached video provides first hand testimony from the eye witnesses themselves, the children. Hear their touching and startling recount of this encounter. Please listen carefully to the description they give to the beings they seen that fateful day. The testimonies they give are highly believable.
Alien Encounter in Cheatham County, TN
Apr 23, 2010
I reside in Cheatham County, Tennessee, and observed an alien in my yard in February this year.
The reason I am coming forward is because the description the woman in Georgia provided of the 3 alien beings she observed at a campsite where she and her husband were camping the latter part of 2009 is almost exactly the same as what I saw.
It was approximately 5:00 in the morning. There was still snow on the ground from the last snow. I had gotten ready for work and was sitting in my Suzuki in the drive letting it warm up before leaving for my job in Nashville, Tennessee.
I caught movement out of the corner of my eye in the area of my garage (which is used for storage and not to pull a car into). At first, I thought it was one of the neighbor's dogs.
I turned to look and saw something which very closely matched the description of the alien creatures which the woman in Georgia observed.
Its body, extra long arms and hind legs were so thin. Its head was very large and bumpy. It was pale in color and hairless.
It was very cold outside, and the creature appeared a light grayish color (I'm not sure whether the cold temperature would have affected the appearance of the color).
The only difference in my story and hers is that the 3 creatures she saw were upright. This was moving on all 4's, however, the way it was moving made it appear like a monkey or gorilla that are oftentimes upright, but then use their arms in conjunction with their legs to propel themselves forward.
On all 4's, it was about the height of a large dog, and I observed that it would be considered short, compared to most humans, if it stood upright.
Its legs were short, quite a bit stockier than the body and arms, which were long and skinny.
It kept looking back as though it thought it was being followed, and so it was surprised to see me sitting inside the automobile when it looked around, directly at me, for the first time.
I got a good look at its large, round eyes which were darkish in color. They appeared a dark brown. It was as though it sensed I wasn't going to hurt it, and it continued on across my yard, across the road, and continued out a connecting road which is directly in front of my home.
There are lots of wooded areas in the direction it was traveling, and lots of wooded area behind my home.
I am not comfortable just ignoring this occurrence. Questions are racing through my mind - questions which need to be answered.
What are these creatures doing in our wooded areas, hiding out by day and wandering by night? Where did they come from? Are they depleting any of our resources?
Will they become dangerous if someone acts aggressively toward them? (I was so busy looking at its eyes and bumpy head that I cannot describe a nose and/or mouth.)
I am a sane individual who is employed at one of Nashville's most prominent law firms.
I reside in Cheatham County, Tennessee, and observed an alien in my yard in February this year.
The reason I am coming forward is because the description the woman in Georgia provided of the 3 alien beings she observed at a campsite where she and her husband were camping the latter part of 2009 is almost exactly the same as what I saw.
It was approximately 5:00 in the morning. There was still snow on the ground from the last snow. I had gotten ready for work and was sitting in my Suzuki in the drive letting it warm up before leaving for my job in Nashville, Tennessee.
I caught movement out of the corner of my eye in the area of my garage (which is used for storage and not to pull a car into). At first, I thought it was one of the neighbor's dogs.
I turned to look and saw something which very closely matched the description of the alien creatures which the woman in Georgia observed.
Its body, extra long arms and hind legs were so thin. Its head was very large and bumpy. It was pale in color and hairless.
It was very cold outside, and the creature appeared a light grayish color (I'm not sure whether the cold temperature would have affected the appearance of the color).
The only difference in my story and hers is that the 3 creatures she saw were upright. This was moving on all 4's, however, the way it was moving made it appear like a monkey or gorilla that are oftentimes upright, but then use their arms in conjunction with their legs to propel themselves forward.
On all 4's, it was about the height of a large dog, and I observed that it would be considered short, compared to most humans, if it stood upright.
Its legs were short, quite a bit stockier than the body and arms, which were long and skinny.
It kept looking back as though it thought it was being followed, and so it was surprised to see me sitting inside the automobile when it looked around, directly at me, for the first time.
I got a good look at its large, round eyes which were darkish in color. They appeared a dark brown. It was as though it sensed I wasn't going to hurt it, and it continued on across my yard, across the road, and continued out a connecting road which is directly in front of my home.
There are lots of wooded areas in the direction it was traveling, and lots of wooded area behind my home.
I am not comfortable just ignoring this occurrence. Questions are racing through my mind - questions which need to be answered.
What are these creatures doing in our wooded areas, hiding out by day and wandering by night? Where did they come from? Are they depleting any of our resources?
Will they become dangerous if someone acts aggressively toward them? (I was so busy looking at its eyes and bumpy head that I cannot describe a nose and/or mouth.)
I am a sane individual who is employed at one of Nashville's most prominent law firms.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chinese Airforce Admits to UFO Chase in 1998 - The Chinese air-force has admitted that pilots of F-6 aircraft chased two UFOs but were ultimately unable to keep up with them, the pilots did get a good view of the objects and were able to describe them in great detail. This UFO event occurred October 1998.
Astonishingly these events were witnessed by a famous Aeronautical scientist and a Major general as well as being tracked by airport control towers and seen by hundreds of staff.
The pilots and ground staff initially saw the UFOs as lights in the sky but on getting close described them as 'glowing fireballs', shaped like 'straw hats' or 'mushrooms'.
"Curved top, flat bottom, the bottom rows and rows of lights, beam down, the edge of a red light, the whole shaped like a huge straw hat!" noted one pilot.
The pilots climbed 12,000 feet and the UFO craft ascended to 20,000feet and then vanished from both their sight and airport radar.
Bizarrely the same scene repeated itself at another air-force base days later.
Astonishingly these events were witnessed by a famous Aeronautical scientist and a Major general as well as being tracked by airport control towers and seen by hundreds of staff.
The pilots and ground staff initially saw the UFOs as lights in the sky but on getting close described them as 'glowing fireballs', shaped like 'straw hats' or 'mushrooms'.
"Curved top, flat bottom, the bottom rows and rows of lights, beam down, the edge of a red light, the whole shaped like a huge straw hat!" noted one pilot.
The pilots climbed 12,000 feet and the UFO craft ascended to 20,000feet and then vanished from both their sight and airport radar.
Bizarrely the same scene repeated itself at another air-force base days later.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Villager Leaves Mysterious Burnt Footprints
Fiji Times - An early morning walk to his farm has left footprints which burnt portions of grass on his village lawn.
Villager Sikeli Nadiri, who lives in Daroko settlement, outside Savusavu, is baffled as he tries to figure out the cause of his mysterious brown prints.
The incident has attracted fellow villagers to his house to have a feel of his feet trying to find a clue to the mystery.
Mr Nadiri said it happened the previous week on Wednesday when he went to his farm to tend to his cows.
The ground he walked on were seen scorched the next morning leaving footprints leading from his house to the farm.
He said on Thursday, villagers were talking about the strange footprints which had turned brown.
He was told of news when villagers noticed that the scorched portions of grass had started from his house.
Mr Nadiri said he followed the footprints and told the villagers that it was his footprints but he had no idea how the withered portion came about.
Last week, police visited him on Tuesday and the ground he walked on during the interview was also affected.
The next day, Mr Nadiri said he followed the footsteps he took during the interview and noticed the same kind of footprints.
The grass had withered and turned brown in colour.
Mr Nadiri said he had two sets of footprints in two separate weeks.
He said he didn't step on any chemical before walking to his farm to check on the cows.
Mr Nadiri said if he had stepped on chemicals, his feet would have been affected.
He said there were no traditional links or history related to his mysterious footsteps.
Strange it may seem, the incident has not stirred any fear or trouble in the village as the villagers continue to live their lives as usual.
Villager Sikeli Nadiri, who lives in Daroko settlement, outside Savusavu, is baffled as he tries to figure out the cause of his mysterious brown prints.
The incident has attracted fellow villagers to his house to have a feel of his feet trying to find a clue to the mystery.
Mr Nadiri said it happened the previous week on Wednesday when he went to his farm to tend to his cows.
The ground he walked on were seen scorched the next morning leaving footprints leading from his house to the farm.
He said on Thursday, villagers were talking about the strange footprints which had turned brown.
He was told of news when villagers noticed that the scorched portions of grass had started from his house.
Mr Nadiri said he followed the footprints and told the villagers that it was his footprints but he had no idea how the withered portion came about.
Last week, police visited him on Tuesday and the ground he walked on during the interview was also affected.
The next day, Mr Nadiri said he followed the footsteps he took during the interview and noticed the same kind of footprints.
The grass had withered and turned brown in colour.
Mr Nadiri said he had two sets of footprints in two separate weeks.
He said he didn't step on any chemical before walking to his farm to check on the cows.
Mr Nadiri said if he had stepped on chemicals, his feet would have been affected.
He said there were no traditional links or history related to his mysterious footsteps.
Strange it may seem, the incident has not stirred any fear or trouble in the village as the villagers continue to live their lives as usual.
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